Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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USA: Questioning Gender Surgery

CMA Applauds the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for Questioning Gender Surgical Treatments August 15, 2024 The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) applauds the recent statements from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) published in City Journal regarding the treatment of gender dysphoria in adolescents. CMA agrees

Australia: A Catholic Standard for Mental Health Care

A Catholic Standard for Mental Health Care CMAV is sponsoring Dr Greg Bottaro's Melbourne lecture: 'A Catholic Standard for Mental Health Care: Vision, Implementation and Impact.' Sunday September 15th, 7pm.St Peter's Parish Centre, Toorak.581 Toorak Rd, Toorak.Tickets here. Download Flyer Invitational CatholicPsych Symposium Dr Greg Bottaro, will

Catholic medical students kidnapped in Nigeria

By Ngala Killian ChimtomAug 19, 2024|Africa CorrespondentShare The University of Jos in Nigeria. (Credit: Unijos.) YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon – Catholic medical students in Nigeria say they have been “thrown into gloom” following the Aug. 15 kidnapping of their colleagues. The Federation of Catholic Medical and Dental Students

News from our Hong Kong Guild

Dr Peter Anthony Fok Master Our Role in a Changing World As we enter 2024, we face a complex landscape of ethical challenges. From artificial intelligence and advanced directives to LGBT rights and ongoing debates on abortion, we as Catholic doctors in Hong Kong need

Diferença no acesso a cuidados paliativos entre ricos e pobres

Diferença no acesso a cuidados paliativos entre ricos e pobres é "absolutamente indigna" 21 jul, 2024 - 09:30 • Henrique Cunha (Renascença) e Octávio Carmo (Ecclesia) Presidente da Associação de Médicos Católicos Portugueses antecipa “um verão difícil" nos hospitais e diz que o aborto não pode

Philippines: Global Population Implosion

To shade light at the same time to counter the prevailing "overpopulation explosion myth" and "overpopulation scare" on the planet earth which were preached from the time of Thomas Malthus to Paul Erlich including the present anti-population propagandists around the world, Dr. Rene Josef C.

Australia: Cath Med Assoc sponsors Simposium against porn

Sexual Integrity in a Pornified World Symposium 2024 A Leadership Formation Event hosted by PMRC (Australia) and the Raphael Network in collaboration with University of Notre Dame Australia (School of Philosophy and Theology). A gathering of leaders across a range of professions working in the

Philippines: Inter-Diocesan Healing Congress 2024

Another big event, the Inter-Diocesan Healing Congress will take place in the central city of Cebu, Philippines on August 3, 2024. This is part of the monthly event which is jointly organized by the three combined groups under the direction of Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer.

Re-inventing Catholic Healthcare

Re-inventing Catholic healthcare in 2024 Re-inventing Catholic healthcare without compromising timeless values MyCatholicDoctor is re-imagining Catholic healthcare to make it accessible & affordable without changing timeless values. Here’s the bottom line– Catholic healthcare can’t survive in 21st-century America unless: Catholic clinicians are able to practice

AMCI: 80 anni di vita per la vita

ASSOCIAZIONE MEDICI CATTOLICI ITALIANI “AMCI: 80 anni di vita per la vita” – Editrice Velar 2024Pensavamo fosse un’epoca di cambiamento, di semplice variazione delle abitudini e degli stili di vita! Siamo stati viceversa proiettati in un vero e proprio radicale cambiamento d’epoca! Nel vorticoso fluire della storia, infinite

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