Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Philippines: “Please Be Careful With My Heart”.

     This coming February 14, 2025, the feastday of Saint Valentines, a big conference will be held in the central city of Cebu, Philippines. The conference carries the theme, "Please Be Careful With My Heart". This is inline with the Heart Disease Prevention Month of February.

      India: FIAMC Healthcare Ethics Centre

      Federation Internationale des Associations Medical Catholique The FIAMC Healthcare Ethics Centre [FBMEC] was established in Bombay in September 1981 to study and debate the ethical status of various actions - experimental, diagnostic or therapeutic - in the bio-medical field within the ethic of culture, religion

        On our Congress in Seoul

        18th AFCMA CONGRESS 2024 SEOUL, KOREA. 7th to 10th NOV 2024 The 18th AFCMA Congress was successfully held in Seoul, Korea from 7th to 10th Nov.2024.Congratulations to Prof. Seung Kew Yoon,  Organising Chairman 18th AFCMA Congress and his Organising Committee for a job well done! The THEME of the

          Philippines: Cura Personalis: Integrating Practical Spirituality in Healthcare.

          Sending the CPGP invitation to its 88th Anniversary and 2024 Annual Convention and invitation for membership The Catholic Physician's Guild of the Philippines invites you to its *88th Anniversary and 2024 Annual Convention* on *November 30, 2024*, 8:00 AM at Saint Pope John Paul II Lecture

            Asian Congress 2024

            Dear Colleagues, Greetings from Seoul Korea! This is Seung-Kew Yoon, the President of KFCMA and the Organizing Chairperson of AFCMA 2024.  Thank you for your continued commitment to FIAMC & AFCMA. Korean Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (KFCMA) has been starting to prepare hard for

              India: 81st Annual General Body Meeting 2024

              National Health Convention (NHC) and 81st Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) of the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) will be held on September 26-27, 2024, at St John’s Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka. Christian Health care mission is facing several external and internal challenges that

                Divine Mercy Congress in the Philippines

                Greetings from the Philipines! I am just sharing to you all some photos during the recent Divine Mercy Congress with a registered audience of 1,922 participants. At the start of the long talk I presented and explained to the audience about the FIAMC.   On the

                  Philippines: the Divine Mercy Congress

                  Over a thousand participants are expected to come and converge at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Diocesan Shrine Church in Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur for the Divine Mercy Congress. This whole-day event will take place on Saturday, August 31, 2024. The main objective of this

                    Philippines: Health is Wealth Forum

                    Hundreds of participants from various organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church are expected to come and attend the Health is Wealth Forum 2024. This one day event will take place at Holiday Plaza Hotel Conference Hall, Cebu City, Philippines on September 7, 2024. Expected to be

                      News from our Hong Kong Guild

                      Dr Peter Anthony Fok Master Our Role in a Changing World As we enter 2024, we face a complex landscape of ethical challenges. From artificial intelligence and advanced directives to LGBT rights and ongoing debates on abortion, we as Catholic doctors in Hong Kong need

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