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Italia: non daremo la morte

Manifesto dei Medici Cattolici contro l’Eutanasia: non daremo la morte 5 Febbraio 2024 L’Amci ripubblica un documento che spiega la necessità di contrastare le derive legislative eutanasiche e che chiede di applicare su tutto il territorio nazionale  la legge del 2010 sulle cure palliative per

Split: Our Lady of Health

Thirty-fifth Family meeting entitled " Family and Sacraments " "This is my beloved Son! All my grace is in him!" (Mt 3:17) was held in Split from January 27 to 28, 2024, in the Franciscan monastery of Father Ante Antić on Trstenik. The organizers were the Family Counseling Center at the

Poland: on the morning after pill

31.01.2024 KSLP Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland on the bill allowing the purchase of the morning-after pill without a prescription January 31, 2024 Dear Mr. Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland In the situation of a

Croatia: On the increase in certain diseases

27 JAN OSIJEK: LECTURE ON A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN CERTAIN DISEASES In the first quarter of the 21st century, a significant increase in the incidence of certain diseases was observed, and among them neurodevelopmental disorders have an important place. What are these diseases and why are

Poland: “Samaritanus Bonus”

CELEBRATION OF THE XXXII WORLD DAY OF THE SICK. KATOWICE – "SAMARITANUS BONUS" SESSION. HOW MANY SERVICES ARE THERE IN HEALTH CARE? On the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, we have the honour to invite you to a session organised by the

Best doctors in Croatia

The portal "Najdoktor" has been publishing a list of the best doctors in Croatia for ten years. The selection of the best doctors is carried out by patients, and the criteria according to which doctors are selected are the total number of comments, the ratio

Pologne: 11 février 1994

La réunion fondatrice du KSLP (Association des Médecins Catholiques de la Pologne) a eu lieu lors de la Deuxième Journée Mondiale du Malade célébrée en Pologne à Jasna Góra le 11 février 1994, en présence de l'invité de marque le Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, alors Président

Portugal: No a la ley de género

Portugal: Médicos e juristas católicos manifestam «viva oposição» ao projeto de lei sobre direito à identidade e expressão de género nas escolas 2 Janeiro, 2024 AJC e AMCP divulgaram nota a defender uma «escola livre de imposições ideológicas» Foto: Lusa Lisboa, 02 jan 2024 (Ecclesia)

Catholic Association of Polish Physicians

Statute of KSLPKSLP Declaration – Format for WordDeclaration KSLP Declaration – pdf formatBOARD OF DIRECTORS OF KSPIPPBank account KSLP Silesian Branch Gdansk Declaration of the XI European Congress of the Federation of Catholic Medical AssociationsAn open letter from the Silesian Branch of KSLP on the

Glasnik, bulletin of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society

21 PRO NEW HKLD BULLETIN NO. 3-2023 – WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dear readers and members of HKLD! Science has always accompanied the development of society and humanity and contributed to the progress of various professions, including medicine, all in the service of improving

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