Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Coronavirus Resources

Celebrating Sacraments COVID-19 Assistance Request DatabaseDecree of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the granting of special Indulgences to the faithful in the current pandemic‘CHA QA guidelines regarding sacramental practice during the COVID’ (In addition to the CHA guidelines, CMA also recommends only a couple young priests with

Coronavirus: Guidelines for Doctors

Guidelines and Resources for Physicians Starting Telehealth Services: MyCatholicDoctor (free for CMA Members)COVID-19 Assistance Request DatabaseGuiding Principles For Catholic Healthcare Professionals During a PandemicCOVID-19 ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOAN APPLICATIONPaycheck Protection Program ApplicationDrive Up Evaluations Protocol by Dr. Angeli Akey (Video) (NFIM)Drive Up Evaluations Protocol (Slides)Practicing Palliative Care

Building resiliency in times of uncertainty

Building resiliency in times of uncertainty – conquering COVID’s emotional contagion Join us on Thursday April 9, 2020 at 12 noon for a live free webcast hosted by Dr. Tim Lau, psychiatrist and president of the medical staff at The Royal: Building resiliency in times of uncertainty – conquering

Please open the churches!

Good morning! In light of your heart-felt plea, you might find this message of interest.  Steve Koob is the leader of "One More Soul" - a nationwide NFP Fertility Awareness coordinating organization. Our churches are locked closed; liquor stores are wide-open.  An unintended, but inevitable

Coronavirus Epidemiology: The Good and the Bad from the Latest Data Doctor, Doctor is an official program of the Catholic Medical Association (USA)

Healthcare in the Coronavirus Hot Zone Pediatrician & entrepreneur who is re-imagining Catholic healthcare to make it accessible & affordable without changing timeless values. Dr. Berchelmann is a pediatrician, wife, mother of seven, and co-founder of MyCatholicDoctor. She sees patients from birth through young adulthood. Her practice includes all general

L’Association Jérôme Lejeune des médecins catholiques de Montréal

Notre Association L’Association Jérôme Lejeune des médecins catholiques de Montréal existe depuis 2008. Cette initiative a débuté suite à la fondation de la Fédération canadienne des sociétés et Médecins Catholiques en 2008. Les objectifs de l’Association Jérôme Lejeune des médecins catholiques de Montréal sont de promouvoir l’enseignement de

We Encourage Ethical COVID-19 Vaccine Research

April 3, 2020 CMA Encourages Ethical COVID-19 Vaccine Research Philadelphia, PA- April 3, 2020—The Catholic Medical Association announced today its opposition of the use of cells from aborted babies being used to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. “We need to ensure vaccinating as many people

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COVID-19: Assistance Request Database

April 3, 2020 Grand Rounds: COVID-19 Assistance Request Database Dear Members,I pray that you and your loved ones are well. Please know the Board is praying for you. As we enter Holy Week, let us pray for one another and our patients in this unique Lenten journey. We

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Happy Doctor’s Day

March 30, 2020 On behalf of the Board and staff of the Catholic Medical Association, I bid you a Happy Doctor’s Day! Doctor’s Day comes each year. This anniversary seems to have more significance as the healthcare community and nation as a whole advance to confront

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