Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Actividad médica restauradora y el mito del superhombre

    Una de las principales metas de una medicina bien entendida es la restauradora. Pero para restaurar algo, al mismo hombre, es preciso saber cómo era primeramente, o es naturalmente. Es decir, deberemos saber cuál es su naturaleza. Para identificar una carencia y ponerle remedio tenemos

      Il “Noi” che è presente nell'”Altro”, che non è me, ma è come me

      FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA* -  In questo periodo di persistente sofferenza pandemica nella quale abbiamo sempre invocato rinascita nel rispetto di specifiche identità ci siamo ritrovati ad assistere ad una sconveniente kermesse RAI che recava il nome di festival della canzone italiana e che ha visto

        “La soledad existencial de la proa”

        Dr. Ricardo T. Ricci La genial Isak Dinesen cuenta en “Soñadores” la historia de tres individuos, a los que une cierta amistad mientras realizan un viaje en una pequeña embarcación aguas arriba del Nilo. Dos de ellos, Lincoln y Mira conversan afablemente de temas varios,

          The gender theory, looked at from the perspective of Christian anthropology, creation theology and human ecology

          On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2020, FIAMC-president Bernard Ars has invited His Eminence Willem Cardinal Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht (The Netherlands) to contribute to the FIAMC website with a reflection on gender, creation and human ecology. FIAMC is happy to be able

            Les risques de la crédulité

            Cette crise sanitaire n'a pas fini de rejeter sur les plages ou mieux sur les places de notre société suffisante les bois flottés, les laissés pour compte de nos aveuglements. Dieu étant mort, la politique étant tombée avec le Mur de Berlin, les sources de

              Journée mondiale des parents

              Journée mondiale des parents : honorons la maternité et la paternitéBruxelles, le 2 juin 2020 Dans la continuité de la Journée mondiale des parents, la FAFCE rappelle l'importance de la maternité et de la paternité et demande une reconnaissance de leurs rôles fondamentaux durant cette pandémie."Les

                Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism

                “Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism”. An interview with Prof. Danilo Castellano 27 March 2020By editorDSC NEWS At the end of February the eleventh International Congress of the Colombian Association of Catholic Lawyers and the sixth Hispanic Day of Natural Law was held at the headquarters

                  The Post-COVID-19 Pandemic – New Socio-Medical Future

                  Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Scroll down for the French, Spanish, Italian and Portugees version of this text. The confinement period of the beginning of 2020 has shown that globalization, an economic and financial phenomenon, has limits,

                    COVID-19: Shadow of Grief

                    Anne Lastman Picture: Dr. María Gloria Simón For the past 24 years, I have worked with thousands of grievers. I have sat with post abortive men and women, both young and old. I have listened to the most anguished sighs and flow of tears. I

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                      Nel tempo del coronavirus (It, En)

                      Cari Colleghi, la situazione sanitaria per la emergenza Coronavirus è drammatica in Europa e in Italia in specie. Nel mio Paese stiamo chiusi in casa su ordine del Governo, possiamo uscire solo per lavoro o per comprare cibo, usiamo le mascherine; le scuole sono chiuse;

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