Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Dios en el espejo del Universo

    Sintetizando “A Dios por la Ciencia”, de Jesús Simón, S.J., 9ª edición  “Dios es grande en las cosas grandes y máximo en las pequeñas” (San Agustín) “El campo explorado por el telescopio, el mundo sideral, es ciertamente inconmensurable, y ante él queda atónita nuestra mente,

      Commissione UE: strategie volte a implementare l’ideologia

      Nota a margine della Comunicazione COM(2020)698 del 12.11.2020 1. Con la comunicazione n. 698 del 12 novembre 2020, la Commissione UE ha definito una serie di strategie volte a implementare l’ideologia LGBTQI negli ordinamenti giuridici dell’Unione e degli Stati membri: esse comprendono l’iniziativa per introdurre

        “La soledad existencial de la proa”

        Dr. Ricardo T. Ricci La genial Isak Dinesen cuenta en “Soñadores” la historia de tres individuos, a los que une cierta amistad mientras realizan un viaje en una pequeña embarcación aguas arriba del Nilo. Dos de ellos, Lincoln y Mira conversan afablemente de temas varios,

          The gender theory, looked at from the perspective of Christian anthropology, creation theology and human ecology

          On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2020, FIAMC-president Bernard Ars has invited His Eminence Willem Cardinal Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht (The Netherlands) to contribute to the FIAMC website with a reflection on gender, creation and human ecology. FIAMC is happy to be able

            Les risques de la crédulité

            Cette crise sanitaire n'a pas fini de rejeter sur les plages ou mieux sur les places de notre société suffisante les bois flottés, les laissés pour compte de nos aveuglements. Dieu étant mort, la politique étant tombée avec le Mur de Berlin, les sources de

              Counteracting Throwaway Culture in Daily Clinical Practice

              Jeffrey W. Fuchs BS, Joseph R. Fuchs, BS First Published June 30, 2020 Research Article Article information  Abstract Since his election in March 2013, Pope Francis has brought significant attention to the concept of “throwaway culture.” This moral paradigm—which has been defined by Francis in various speeches and the

                Which COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Developed with Fetal Cell Lines Derived from Aborted Babies?

                The race is on to find a vaccine for COVID-19. The good news is that many of the world’s largest vaccine companies are developing promising vaccine candidates using ethically-derived cells. The bad news is that many of the leading vaccine candidates for the 2019 novel coronavirus

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                  Journée mondiale des parents

                  Journée mondiale des parents : honorons la maternité et la paternitéBruxelles, le 2 juin 2020 Dans la continuité de la Journée mondiale des parents, la FAFCE rappelle l'importance de la maternité et de la paternité et demande une reconnaissance de leurs rôles fondamentaux durant cette pandémie."Les

                    Empowering Physicians to Heal Body, Mind and Soul

                    Empowering Physicians to Heal Body, Mind and SoulFriday & SaturdayJuly 24-25, 2020Virtual EventRegistration Fee $100.00Streamed live from St. Edmunds Retreat on Enders Island, Mystic, CTFeatured Speakers:Cynthia Hunt, MD, Michelle Cretella, MD,Leonard Mattano,Jr., MD The conference will increase awareness, knowledge base and understanding of current crises in health

                      Francis Collins Awarded 2020 Templeton Prize

                      WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA — Geneticist and physician Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, who led the Human Genome Project to its successful completion in 2003 and throughout his career has advocated for the integration of faith and reason, was announced today as the

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