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    Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism

    “Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism”. An interview with Prof. Danilo Castellano 27 March 2020By editorDSC NEWS At the end of February the eleventh International Congress of the Colombian Association of Catholic Lawyers and the sixth Hispanic Day of Natural Law was held at the headquarters

      The Post-COVID-19 Pandemic – New Socio-Medical Future

      Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Scroll down for the French, Spanish, Italian and Portugees version of this text. The confinement period of the beginning of 2020 has shown that globalization, an economic and financial phenomenon, has limits,

        Formazione gratuita su gestione emergenza Covid-19

        Corsi disponibili sulla piattaforma ECM fad 6 aprile 2020 - Il Servizio di Formazione Post-Lauream dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, grazie al contributo del corpo accademico UCBM, mette a disposizione una raccolta di approfondimenti formativi relativi all’emergenza Covid19 all’interno della piattaforma ecm.unicampus it. L'obiettivo è rendere questo periodo

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          COVID: Eroismo dei medici

          EROISMO DEI MEDICI E COLPA PROFESSIONALE: RIFLESSIONI E PROPOSTE APR 4, 2020 La pandemia Covid-19 ha fatto riscoprire alla nostra società l’essenzialità del servizio sanitario e, all’interno di esso, delle categorie dei medici e degli infermieri.Il Servizio Sanitario Italiano, che era divenuto uno dei migliori

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            Catholic Universities: Collaborative Platform

            Dear Colleagues,Dear friends of the Rome Forum,IFCU has participated in the forums organised in recent years. Like many of you, I greatly appreciated the remarkable work done by the Forum's coordinating team; and like many of you, I was able to speak in the hope

              Hacia un mundo mejor

              (Foto FIAMC) HACIA UN MUNDO MEJOR SEGUN POPPER Y LAÍN Decido escoger la compañía de Karl Popper y Laín Entralgo en esta mañana incierta de abril. Han llegado a mis manos ,ordenando la biblioteca, unos bellos libros de estos filósofos. Pienso que es bueno recordar

                COVID-19: Shadow of Grief

                Anne Lastman Picture: Dr. María Gloria Simón For the past 24 years, I have worked with thousands of grievers. I have sat with post abortive men and women, both young and old. I have listened to the most anguished sighs and flow of tears. I

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                  Nel tempo del coronavirus (It, En)

                  Cari Colleghi, la situazione sanitaria per la emergenza Coronavirus è drammatica in Europa e in Italia in specie. Nel mio Paese stiamo chiusi in casa su ordine del Governo, possiamo uscire solo per lavoro o per comprare cibo, usiamo le mascherine; le scuole sono chiuse;

                    God and the viruses

                    The media is saturated these days with the latest news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – which symptoms to look out for, how it spreads, and what steps must be taken to prevent, contain or treat it. But this Coronavirus is not unique in making headlines

                      Biomedical research concerns in China. Lack of bioethical assessment

                      On February 4, a Letter to the Editor was published online in Science and Engineering Ethics (read HERE), addressing some of China’s current problems related to biomedical research. In the article, the authors refer to the fact that Jian-kui He, a professor at the Southern University of Science and

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