Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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George Cardinal Pell R. I. P.

Anne Lastman “Offering up” is the mandate of priesthood, and whilst the priest in his ministry is called to visit the sick, console those who weep, feed the poor, administer sacraments, all important works, his most important role is to “offer up” through sacramental identification

Fine Vita: Comunicato Stampa

SUICIDIO ASSISTITO E FINE VITA  “LE REGIONI DIANO PIENA ATTUAZIONE ALLA LEGGE 38/2010”  La Corte Costituzionale con la sentenza 242 del 2019 individua una condizione di possibile non punibilità di  “chi agevola l’esecuzione del proposito di suicidio, autonomamente e liberamente formatosi, di una persona  tenuta

100th anniversary of the birth of St. Gianna Beretta Molla M.D.

October 4th 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, a mother and doctor who decided to sacrifice her life to save that of her fourth daughter. Let us rediscover together the life and holiness of this incredible woman.

Holy Father grants Plenary Indulgence for Participants FIAMC World Congress, 15-17 Sep. in Rome

At the request of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See grants, on behalf of His Holiness Pope Francis, a plenary indulgence for the participants of the XXVIth World Congress for Catholic Physicians, held in Rome, September 15-17th,

USA: 10th Annual Boot Camp in Florida

June 13, 2022 Catholic Medical Association’s 10th Annual Medical Student & Resident Boot Camp Underway in Florida Ave Maria, FL – June 13, 2022 – Catholic Medical Association’s 10th annual Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp has officially commenced at Ave Maria University in Florida.  “This is


Anne Lastman--- On a recent visit to the Gemelli Hospital the Holy father Pope Francis spoke about memory and what it means to remember, and His Holiness continued that it means “to return with the heart.” And what Jesus’ heart shows us is the Lord

VISA: A occhi e cuore aperti sul mondo

A occhi e cuore aperti sul mondo33 anni di fotogiornalismo di qualità, senza censure di GUILLERMO SIMÓN-CASTELLVÍPerpignan (Francia). A “VISA pour l'Image 2021”, 33a edizione della mostra, 24 mostre fotografiche ad accesso gratuito occupano i monumenti più emblematici del centro città nel sud-est della Francia, dal 28 agosto al

30 de abril: beatificación del Dr. José Gregorio Hernández

ANUNCIO FECHA DE BEATIFICACIÓN DE JGH  Sede de la Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana, miércoles 24 de marzo de 2021  Con José Gregorio que “florezcan retoños de paz y justicia” Cardenal Marcello Semeraro  Prefecto de la Congregación para la Causa de los Santos  1.- Con profunda alegría

Nomina del Medico personale del Santo Padre

Il Santo Padre ha nominato Suo Medico personale l’Illustrissimo Professore Roberto Bernabei, Professore ordinario di Medicina Interna e Geriatria dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore a Roma. Curriculum vitae Il Prof. Roberto Bernabeiè nato a Firenze il 24 gennaio 1952, dopo essersi laureato in Medicina e

Livre: réflexion actuelle concernant le changement de modèle médical

« Une autre médecine est possible » Nous avons une médecine formidable, d’une efficacité remarquable ; mais, forcée par la société postmoderne et post-chrétienne, elle est conduite, à son corps (médical) défendant, à nous entrainer vers des dérives anthropologiques déraisonnables et à une pollution inconsidérée aussi bien de

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