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    Dilexit Nos, Catholic Healthcare and a Call to Action

    Dilexit Nos, Catholic Healthcare and a Call to Action Claudia Ruiz Sotomayor MD, DBe…Chief of the Ethics Consultation Service Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, Assistant Professor Georgetown University Medical Center. Myles N. Sheehan, SJ, MD...Director Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, Professor of Medicine, David Lauler

      USA Bishops: IVF Destroys Human Life

      IVF Destroys Human Life, Bishops Urge Ethical Alternatives “As pastors, we see the suffering of so many couples experiencing infertility and know their deep desire to have children is both good and admirable; yet the Administration’s push for IVF, which ends countless human lives and

        XXXIII Giornata Mondiale del Malato

        Preghiera ispirata dal Messaggio di Papa Francesco per la XXXIII Giornata Mondiale del Malato «La speranza non delude» (Rm 5,5) e ci rende forti nella tribolazione O Dio Padre tenerissimo, nel tempo della malattia se da una parte sentiamo tutta la nostra fragilità di creature, dall’altra facciamo

          World Day of the Sick

          A feast instituted on 13 May 1992 by Pope John Paul II to be "a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one's suffering". The date of the feast, 11 February, was chosen to coincide with that of Our Lady of Lourdes as there

            Pope Francis on Children´s Rights

            SPEECH OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISTO THE WORLD LEADERS PARTICIPATING IN THE SUMMIT ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Clementine HallMonday, 3 February 2025 [Multimedia] _________________________________ Your Majesty,Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I greet the Secretary of State, the Cardinals and the distinguished participants in this World

              Relations between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

     ANTIQUA ET NOVANote on the Relationship BetweenArtificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence I. Introduction1.  With wisdom both ancient and new (cf. Mt. 13:52), we are called to reflect on the current challenges and opportunities posed by scientific and technological advancements, particularly by the recent development of Artificial Intelligence

                Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick

                MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISXXXIII WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 11 February 2025 “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5),but strengthens us in times of trial Dear brothers and sisters, We are celebrating the 33rd World Day of the Sick in the Jubilee Year 2025, in

                  About In Vitro Fertilization

                  The Christian Family, In Vitro Fertilization, and Heroic Witness to True Love A Pastoral Letter Most Rev. Michael F. BurbidgeJanuary 2025 “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.”1 John 3:18 Download | Amazon Kindle | PaperbackListen in English or Spanish Introduction God,

                    Pope Francis to the Blind

                    ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISTO THE MEMBERS OF THE ITALIAN UNION OF THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED Clementine HallFriday, 3 January 2025 [Multimedia] _________________________________ Dear friends, good morning and welcome! I greet the president and all of you. Happy new year! May it be a

                      Francis: To respect human life from conception to natural death

                      Pope Francis invites us to cherish life and entrust 2025 to Mary Mary “immerses us once more in the mystery of Christmas” and leads us to Jesus, says Pope Francis, as he celebrates Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Mother of God. By

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