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    An Evaluation of Controversial Statements in Etica Teologica Della Vita

    The teachings of the Catholic Church on human sexuality, contraception and the treatment of infertility are well established and clearly explained in many Church documents, including Humanae vitae and Familiaris consortio. In 2022, a book was published in Italian which reported on a seminar organised

      France. Declaration of the Pontifical Academy for Life

      Regarding the inclusion in the French Constitution of the guarantee of freedom for women who have abortions, the Pontifical Academy for Life supports the position of the French Bishops' Conference. On Feb. 29, the French Bishops' Conference reiterated that "abortion, which remains an attack on life from the very beginning, cannot be

        È morta Wanda Półtawska

        È morta Wanda Półtawska, “sorella” di Karol Wojtyła tra orrori e speranze del '900 Sopravvissuta agli inumani esperimenti nazisti condotti nel lager di Ravensbrück. Medico e psicologo, membro del Pontificio consiglio per la famiglia, della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita e consultore del Pontificio Consiglio

          Media agitation regarding the end of life

          The World Federation of Catholic Medical Association (FIAMC) has noted the confusion over the intervention of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, at the Festival of Journalism in Perugia, Italy, and the debate on "The Last Journey (towards the end of

            Declaration on recent appointment to the Pontifical Academy for Life

            The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) expresses its concern about a recent appointment of the Italian-American economist at University College London, Mariana Mazzucato, to serve a five-year term with the Pontifical Academy for Life. Unfortunately, Professor Mazzucato has expressed her views favorable to

              Congress: “Moral Distress in Healthcare Professions: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives”

              Doctoral School in Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Medical Humanities University of Insubria2 December 2021Room 5 MGTVia Monte Generoso n.71 - Varese Scientific coordinators: Prof. Mario Picozzi, MD, PhD::; Dr. Alessandra A. Grossi, MSc, MAS,; Dr. Silvia Ceruti: Center for Clinical Ethics Dept. of

                PAV: Public Health in Global Perspective

                The Workshop takes place online, it starts on the 27th morning from 9 to 11 and continues on the 27th afternoon from 15 to 19. On 28 September the Workshop takes place from 15 to 19. To participate in the Workshop it is necessary to

                  Être des professionnels de la santé catholiques en période de pandémie

                  26 mars 2021 Réflexion du Carême de mgr Vincenzo Paglia, Président,de L’ Académie Pontificale pour la Vie 26 mars 2021 Permettez-moi d’abord de remercier le docteur. Vincenzo De Filippis et Monseigneur Jacques Suaudeau pour leur invitation à ouvrir cette réunion du Bureau de la FEAMC

                    Academy for Life: AI, Food for All. Dialogue and Experiences

                    SAVE THE DATE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - SEPTEMBER 24th 2020; h. 15-16.30 CEST AI, Food for All. Dialogue and Experiences Vatican City, September 15th. - After the successful Rome Call for AI Ethics on 28 February 2020, Microsoft, IBM, the Pontifical Academy for Life and FAO agreed to

                      Fallece antiguo Presidente de la Academia Pontificia para la Vida

                      La Comunidad UC despide al exrector Juan de Dios Vial Correa 18 de August, 2020 Juan de Dios Vial Correa fue rector de nuestra universidad entre 1984 y 2000 y hoy, tras su sensible fallecimiento, la comunidad UC se une en torno a su imborrable

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