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    Humanae vitae: always a Prophetic Document

    By Anne Lastman--- Clearly, the most controversial encyclical of the 20th century was the 1968 document Humanae vitae (On the Regulation of Birth), in which Pope Paul VI restated the Church’s teaching that the use of contraception to frustrate conception is gravely immoral. With so

      « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé » disponible en cinq langues

      L'Église a toujours perçu le service des malades comme « partie intégrante de sa mission », associant « la prédication de la Bonne Nouvelle à l'assistance et au soin des malades ». Le texte de la « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé »

        Evangelium vitae (25 years)

        Photo FIAMC: Beatification of Pope John Paul II 25 March 1995 To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women religious, lay Faithful and all People of Good Will on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life Introduction 1. The Gospel of life is at

          Salvifici Doloris

          February 7, 2020 Book Study Below you will find the leader and participant guide for CMA’s Dr. Tom McGovern’s book study called “The Purpose and Meaning of Suffering Book Study.” This book study is a discussion-based course for current and rising health care professionals based on

            Reconstruire l’Europe à partir de la Famille

             Communiqué de Presse Reconstruire l’Europe à partir de la FamilleRésolution du Conseil de Présidence de la FAFCE Nous publions ci-dessous la Résolution du Conseil de Présidence de la FAFCE, réuni hier. Mdina, Malte, 15 mai 2019, Journée Internationale de la Famille Les élections européennes sont une occasion unique pour

              Faithful to God´s Design

              Humanae Vitae Conference Date: Saturday November 10, 2018 Please consider attending this event. It features 4 amazing speakers who are extremely well regarded, as well as Mass celebrated by our Archbishop. WHAT: “Faithful to God’s Design: Humanae Vitae at 50” WHERE: Mass at St Basil’s

                Conference ‘Advancing Humanae vitae’ 2018

                What --- A national conference sponsored by major Catholic health care and educational institutions, including The National Catholic Bioethics Center, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Ascension, Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Franciscan Alliance, Geisinger Holy Spirit, Mercy, OSF HealthCare, Saint Louis University, and the


                  REJOICE AND BE GLAD: A REFLECTION ON THE EXHORTATION Pope Francis writes a letter to all the faithful, and we may well understand it as a personal letter: In this regard, it is worth highlighting that this Exhortation is an “internal letter” with a paternal


                    Populorum Progressio. Entitled "Prospects for service to integral human development: fifty years since Populorum Progressio", the conference takes place on 3-4 April in the Vatican's Synod Hall. It aims "to study the theological anthropological and pastoral perspectives of the encyclical, especially in relation to the

                      AFFIRMATION OF HUMANAE VITAE

                      Affirmation of the Church’s Teaching on the Gift of Sexuality We, the undersigned scholars, affirm that the Catholic Church’s teachings on the gift of sexuality, on marriage, and on contraception are true and defensible on many grounds, among them the truths of reason and revelation

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