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Pls, let open the churches in the UK!

Statement from the President and the Vice-President of the Conference on the Prime Minister’s Statement October 31st, 2020 This evening, the Prime Minister announced further widespread restrictions in England beginning on Thursday 5 November.  The Government have published their New National Restrictions Guidance on their

Bioéthique: les évêques invitent les citoyens à « faire connaître leur opposition »

Déclaration du Conseil permanent de la Conférence des évêques de France : Le Conseil permanent des évêques de France, réuni les 5 et 6 octobre 2020, salue la publication de l’encyclique Fratelli Tutti, Tous frères. Le pape François nous y offre un grand texte. La foi en

The gender theory, looked at from the perspective of Christian anthropology, creation theology and human ecology

On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2020, FIAMC-president Bernard Ars has invited His Eminence Willem Cardinal Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht (The Netherlands) to contribute to the FIAMC website with a reflection on gender, creation and human ecology. FIAMC is happy to be able

October is Respect Life Month

WASHINGTON — October is Respect Life Month, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities has issued a statement encouraging Catholics to allow “the Gospel of Christ to touch

“No hay enfermos “incuidables”

“No hay enfermos “incuidables”, aunque sean incurables”, afirman los obispos españoles La CEE considera que insistir en el supuesto derecho eutanasia “es propio de una visión individualista y reduccionista del ser humano y de una libertad desvinculada de la responsabilidad” 17 septiembre, 2020ForumLibertas.comSociedad y Familia

No hay enfermos incuidables, aunque sean incurables

Nota de la Comisión Ejecutiva sobre la ley de la eutanasia  No hay enfermos “incuidables”, aunque sean incurables Reflexión a propósito de la tramitación de la ley sobre la eutanasia El Congreso de los Diputados ha decidido seguir adelante con la tramitación de la Ley Orgánica

Ecuador: la Iglesia pide que se vete el aborto obstétrico

La Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana pidió este miércoles al presidente del país, Lenín Moreno, que vete una norma aprobada recientemente por la Asamblea Nacional que permite el aborto obstétrico, la fecundación asistida y el uso del cannabis para uso terapéutico. La Iglesia, en un comunicado difundido

Brasil: ¡Por la vida, contra las drogas!

Pela vida, contra as drogas! Dom Fernando Arêas RifanBispo da Administração Apostólica Pessoal São João Maria Vianney ​Em plena pandemia do COVID19, com o mundo todo preocupado com a saúde e a vida das pessoas, está tramitando em nossas casas legislativas mais um Projeto de

Aborto Ru 486: «Dittatura tecno-scientifica»

Il vescovo di Cassano, monsignor Francesco Savino si pronuncia in merito alle nuove linee guida sull'utilizzo della pillola abortiva Ru486 Aborto senza ricovero, Savino: «Dittatura tecno-scientifica» di Redazione Web17/08/2020 Desta scalpore la decisione presa dal ministro della salute Roberto Speranza circa l’utilizzo della pillola abortiva Ru486

Bishops clarify the Catholic position on vaccination

The Catholic Bishops responsible for Healthcare and Life issues have released a paper providing clarity and assurances on the moral issues surrounding vaccination and to encourage Catholics to commit to protecting the most vulnerable in society. Bishop Paul Mason, Lead Bishop for Healthcare, and Bishop

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