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Aborto Ru 486: «Dittatura tecno-scientifica»

Il vescovo di Cassano, monsignor Francesco Savino si pronuncia in merito alle nuove linee guida sull'utilizzo della pillola abortiva Ru486 Aborto senza ricovero, Savino: «Dittatura tecno-scientifica» di Redazione Web17/08/2020 Desta scalpore la decisione presa dal ministro della salute Roberto Speranza circa l’utilizzo della pillola abortiva Ru486

Bishops clarify the Catholic position on vaccination

The Catholic Bishops responsible for Healthcare and Life issues have released a paper providing clarity and assurances on the moral issues surrounding vaccination and to encourage Catholics to commit to protecting the most vulnerable in society. Bishop Paul Mason, Lead Bishop for Healthcare, and Bishop

COMECE on Artificial Intelligence

A sustained ethical discourse has to accompany discussions on regulating AI In its contribution to the 'Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence - A European Approach', COMECE calls the EU institutions to adopt a human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to promote the common

La vida se dignifica siempre

Cuando los porteños padecemos los momentos más aciagos de la pandemia, en medio de una necesaria pero a su vez larga y agotadora cuarentena, cuando las cifras de contagios y fallecidos nos sobresaltan cada día, la Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma acaba de aprobar por

Canada: On Caring in the midst of COVID (En, Fr)

Today, the members of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) released a Message entitled They Still Bring Forth Fruit in Old Age: A Lesson on Caring in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This timely Message serves as an occasion for

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Bishop Vasa to the Catholic Medical Association (USA)

Dear CMA Members and Friends, I trust all of you are as tired as I am of hearing about the coronavirus pandemic and phrases such as shelter in place, social distancing, essential services, stay-at-home orders, executive orders and the like. I pray that these actions

Mgr Aupetit s’élève contre le retour du projet de loi bioéthique

Mgr Aupetit s’élève contre le retour du projet de loi bioéthique à l’Assemblée En France, les députés ont commencé lundi 29 juin l'examen en deuxième lecture du projet de loi de bioéthique, qui ouvre l'accès à la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) aux couples de femmes

USA: on Legal Definition of “Sex”

President of U.S. Bishops’ Conference Issues Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Legal Definition of “Sex” in Civil Rights Law June 15, 2020 WASHINGTON — The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, provided a statement

Asking Uganda Martyrs to intercede for end to pandemic

Dear beloved People of God, This year, when the entire world is hit by the COVID 19 Pandemic, and so, prompted to adopt new norms like social distancing, the Uganda Episcopal Conference made the historic and momentous decision to suspend public celebrations of the Solemnity

Colombia: La Iglesia ante el coronavirus

Comunicado N° 49 En un comunicado, la Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia (CEC) da respuesta a las inquietudes manifestadas por diversas personas frente a la reapertura de los templos para las celebraciones litúrgicas con la participación de los fieles y explica los caminos que se han

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