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Mons. Reig en la Santa Misa y Oración por los fallecidos por la pandemia Homilía en el vídeo: minutos 27:51 a 48:02TEXTO DE LA HOMILÍAHE VENIDO PARA QUE TENGAN VIDAHomilía en la Santa Misa del cuarto Domingo de PascuaCatedral-Magistral de Alcalá de Henares             Esta misma semana recibí un mensaje de la Congregación de Oblatas de Cristo Sacerdote, fundadas

Permitted to begin “Phased Reopening”

APRIL 29, 2020 Office of Communications Each parish empowered to choose if they wish to celebrate Mass, and how to comply with state guidelines; elderly and vulnerable parishioners encouraged to livestream Mass for now Following Governor Abbott's recent announcement concerning a phased reopening of the

Pandemia: nota de los obispos de España

Nota de la Comisión Ejecutiva ante el inicio de la salida del confinamiento La Comisión Ejecutiva de la Conferencia Episcopal Española quiere expresar al Pueblo de Dios y a toda la sociedad española: 1. Nos alegra y damos gracias a Dios, de que la enfermedad

Coronavirus and Access to Treatment

Monday, April 20th, 2020 CBCEW » Our Work » Department » Social Justice » Health and Social Care » Coronavirus » » Coronavirus and Access to Treatment With the escalation of the Coronavirus, demand on NHS resources is outstripping supply and those responsible for our care and well-being are facing challenging decisions. What may well be on

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Hay una forma de celebrar la Misa que reduce al mínimo los riesgos

A la Comisión Ejecutiva de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina La Plata, domingo 19 de abril de 2020 Queridos hermanos: Teniendo en cuenta la finalidad de la Comisión Episcopal de Fe y Cultura, que me toca presidir, quisiera hacer llegar una propuesta reflexiva y a la

Artículo de Presidente de los obispos de España

Hombres de carne y hueso JUAN JOSÉ OMELLACardenal arzobispo de Barcelona Esta semana, todavía en plena adaptación al nuevo panorama que ha provocado la pandemia del coronavirus, observamos como nuestras rutinas se han alterado en todos los ámbitos de nues-tra vida. El decreto de confinamiento

Hong Kong: Facing the epidemic with faith, hope and love

The 2020 Easter Pastoral LetterFacing the epidemic with faith, hope and love Card Tong (center) in the Vatican Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,“Peace be with you!” (Luke 24:36) This is a blessing that the Risen Jesus Christ grants to all of us. The

Bishop to allow public Masses with restrictions

New Mexico bishop to allow public Masses with restrictions By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service 4.16.2020 4:45 PM ET WASHINGTON (CNS) -- One month after Bishop Peter Baldacchino of Las Cruces, New Mexico, announced there would no longer be public Masses in the diocese to curb

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COMECE in response to COVID-19

COMECE elaborates a list of main EU measures taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic On the occasion of the International Fact-checking Day (2 April) and in the context of COMECE’s commitment to counter fake news and disinformation, its Secretariat prepared a list of the main measures put

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On Rationing Protocols by Health Care Professionals

Bishop Chairmen Issue Statement on Rationing Protocols by Health Care Professionals in Response to Covid-19 April 3, 2020 WASHINGTON— Recent news reports have highlighted policies and practices relating to rationing protocols in response to the COVID-19 virus, prompting a response by three committee chairmen of

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