Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Testamento spirituale del Papa Emerito Benedetto XVI

    Testamento spirituale del Papa Emerito Benedetto XVI, 31.12.2022 Testo in lingua tedesca Traduzione in lingua italiana Testo in lingua tedesca 29. August 2006 Mein geistliches Testament Wenn ich in dieser späten Stunde meines Lebens auf die Jahrzehnte zurückschaue, die ich durchwandert habe, so sehe ich

      Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict: his official biography

      Following the announcement of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Saturday at the age of 95, we look back at his long life and its main highlights with the following official biography. By Vatican News Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, was born

        Promemoria: Benedicto consagra la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona

        Fotos: FIAMC Press Services --- Homilía del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la dedicación de la Sagrada Familia - Arzobispado de Barcelona ( REMEMBRANCE | internationalfiamc VISIT TO POPE´S HOME | internationalfiamc

          Benedicto, fortaleza amable

          Dr. José María Simón Castellví Presidente emérito de la FIAMC Los médicos católicos debemos mucho a Joseph Ratzinger, tanto cuando era Prefecto de la Fe como cuando ha ejercido como Vicario de Cristo. Su Fe es fuerte como la roca y su manera de actuar

            Comments on Pope Benedict

            Photo FIAMC--- Photo FIAMC When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was announced as the successor to the Chair of Peter following Pope John Paul II’s death, it seemed to me that the Holy Spirit had made a good choice. Pope John Paul “the Great” was a remarkable

              Msgr. Georg Ratzinger passes away

              Georg Ratzinger, brother of Pope emeritus Benedict, dies in Regensburg The elderly Bavarian priest had been hospitalized in Regensburg, in Bavaria, where he lived and where he received his brother Joseph’s final visit, with whom he had been ordained on the same day. By Vatican


                Bref résumé issu de la lecture des textes pontificaux, des bulletins associatifs, et de 20 années au Comité Exécutif de la FIAMC. Dr François Blin, Président de la FEAMC, ancien Secrétaire Général de la FIAMC C'est sous l'impulsion du Pape Léon XIII (1878-1903) - auteur

                  DOS CANONIZACIONES

                  Solemnidad y austeridad en las dos canonizaciones de los papas Imágenes 1 Salvador Aragonés La canonización de dos papas, san Juan XXIII y san Juan Pablo II, en presencia de otros dos papas, el actual Papa Francisco y el Papa emérito Benedicto XVI, tal vez

                  ADDIO !

                  Grazie! Grazie avoi! Cari amici, sono felice di essere con voi, circondato dalla bellezza del creato e dalla vostra simpatia che mi fa molto bene. Grazie per la vostra amicizia, il vostro affetto. Voi sapete che questo mio giorno è diverso da quelli precedenti; non

                  ON POPE BENEDICT

                  Comments on Pope BenedictXVI When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was announced as the successor to the Chair of Peter following Pope John Paul II’s death, it seemed to me that the Holy Spirit had made a good choice. Pope John Paul “the Great” was a remarkable

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