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El pobre gritó y el Señor lo escuchó

El pobre gritó y el Señor lo escuchó Por segundo año consecutivo, celebramos la Jornada Mundial de los Pobres, convocada para toda la Iglesia por el Santo Padre. Este año tendrá lugar el domingo 18 de noviembre. Conviene que vayamos preparando nuestro corazón para que

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Pope Francis: science provides the ‘charity of knowledge’

ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE PLENARY SESSION OF THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Consistory Hall Monday, 12 November 2018 Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to meet the full complement of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. I offer cordial

San Pablo VI, el hambre y la FAO

San Pablo VI, el hambre y la FAO Mañana, domingo, en una solemne ceremonia en la Plaza de San Pedro del Vaticano, el papa Pablo VI será canonizado, junto con Monseñor Romero y otros cinco insignes heraldos de la caridad (Francesco Spinelli y Vincenzo Romano,

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Grazie Papa Francesco!

Dott. Boscia, Presidente AMCI Aborto. Il «grazie» a papa Francesco da 17 associazioni che difendono la vita F.O. mercoledì 10 ottobre 2018 Per la prima volta insieme esprimono in una lettera comune parole di gratitudine al successore di Pietro per le sue parole in difesa

Pope Francis on Thou shalt not kill

Pope at General Audience: welcome life as God’s gift Pope Francis continues his catechesis on the Commandments during Wednesday’s General Audience saying that welcoming life as God’s gift corrects a vision of life interpreted as a problem to be eliminated. By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis,

Pope Francis: do not be deaf or silent in the face of suffering

Pope at Angelus: ‘do not be deaf or silent in the face of suffering' Pope Francis on Sunday invited the faithful not to “remain deaf and dumb” in the face of the suffering of people marked by disease, anguish and difficulties. He was addressing the

5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MCI-FIAMC

5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MaterCare & the FIAMC It has been 5 years since Pope Francis addressed the conference audience of MaterCare International and the FIAMC in Rome. Perhaps his words are even more impactful today. Please find below an English

Letter of His Holiness to the People of God

In English and Spanish “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26). These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once more the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power


Pope Francis: ‘Respect for the world begins with respect for the human body’ Pope Francis addresses the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Life on Monday focusing his remarks on the theme of the two-day workshop: situating human life within the wider context of


DISCORSO DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCESCO AI MEMBRI DELL'UNIONE ITALIANA LOTTA ALLA DISTROFIA MUSCOLARE (UILDM) Aula Paolo VI Sabato, 2 giugno 2018 Cari fratelli e sorelle, rivolgo il mio cordiale benvenuto a tutti voi, rappresentanti dell’Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare. Ringrazio il Presidente per le

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