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    Card Turkson on World Leprosy Day 2021

    Photo: FIAMC Press Services To the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences, To the Bishops responsible for Health Pastoral Care, To Men and Women Religious, To social, healthcare and pastoral workers, To volunteers and all persons of good will, “Beat Leprosy” World Leprosy Day 2021 is observed

      « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé » disponible en cinq langues

      L'Église a toujours perçu le service des malades comme « partie intégrante de sa mission », associant « la prédication de la Bonne Nouvelle à l'assistance et au soin des malades ». Le texte de la « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé »

        Sanitation: Aqua fons vitae

        The new Document of the Dicastery now available online At the end of the month in which the World Water Day 2020 has been celebrated, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is pleased to release Aqua fons vitae. Orientations on Water, symbol of the cry

          On line new site on Fratelli tutti

          The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announces the special website dedicated to Pope Francis' Encyclical The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announces the special website dedicated to Pope Francis' Encyclical "Fratelli tutti". It can be consulted by entering the homepage of the Dicastery: and

            Il diritto all’acqua al tempo del COVID

            Dopo l’appello del Papa che ha rilanciato la necessità di garantirne l’accesso a tutti 14 novembre 2020 All’Angelus di domenica 8 novembre il Santo Padre ha avuto parole forti sull’acqua. Incalzanti: «L’acqua è vitale per la vita!». Ciascuno nuota nel grembo materno, e l’accesso all’acqua

              Integral Dicastery at UN in Geneva

              Art Impact 4 Health & SDGs Exhibit: a delegation of the Dicastery at the UN in Geneva Alessio Pecorario spoke as a panelist to present integral human development in the context of SDGs A delegation of the Dicastery lead by the Adjunct Secretary Fr. Augusto

                Crisis & Health Rosary

                Pray the Holy Rosary in times of pandemic and illness with the new Crisis & Health Rosary The Coronavirus has caused a global humanitarian crisis all over the world. All plans and desires have been stopped to give the world a time of deep reflection.

                  COVID: a charitable gesture

                  Populorum Progressio Foundation finances 168 projects in 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a charitable gesture by the Pope The complex crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic did not prevent the annual meeting of the Board

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                    Care, contemplate, discern and act mercifully

                    Group 1 of this Vatican COVID -19 Commission, which has the task of listening to the local Churches in the challenges they face especially in the field of health, wished to listen also to the communities of consecrated life in the face of this pandemic because consecrated

                      Cardinal Turkson: peace is threatened as health and economic crises continue

                      ( Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, at a Vatican press conference July 7, 2020. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA) By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Jul 7, 2020 / 07:40 am MT (CNA).- A Vatican cardinal has said that the world

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