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Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict: his official biography

Following the announcement of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Saturday at the age of 95, we look back at his long life and its main highlights with the following official biography. By Vatican News Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, was born

Promemoria: Benedicto consagra la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona

Fotos: FIAMC Press Services --- Homilía del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la dedicación de la Sagrada Familia - Arzobispado de Barcelona ( REMEMBRANCE | internationalfiamc VISIT TO POPE´S HOME | internationalfiamc

Pope Francis asks for prayers for Benedict XVI

At the end of the General Audience, Pope Francis asks for “special prayers” for Benedict XVI “who is very ill.” The Holy See Press Office director confirms there has been an aggravation in his health condition but says the situation remains stable. By Linda Bordoni (Vaticannews)

Benedicto, fortaleza amable

Dr. José María Simón Castellví Presidente emérito de la FIAMC Los médicos católicos debemos mucho a Joseph Ratzinger, tanto cuando era Prefecto de la Fe como cuando ha ejercido como Vicario de Cristo. Su Fe es fuerte como la roca y su manera de actuar

Comments on Pope Benedict

Photo FIAMC--- Photo FIAMC When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was announced as the successor to the Chair of Peter following Pope John Paul II’s death, it seemed to me that the Holy Spirit had made a good choice. Pope John Paul “the Great” was a remarkable

Pope Francis to visually-impaired

Pope encourages Italian association for visually-impaired to promote inclusiveness Pope Francis meets members of the Italian Union of Blind and Partially Sighted Persons (UICI), and encourages them to be signs of hope in Italian society as it faces difficult times, like their Patroness St. Lucy

Forum: Speech by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Speech by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin  Secretary of State of His Holiness  V FORUM OF CATHOLIC-INSPIRED NGOS  Rome, 2 December 2022  1. Dear Friends, I would like to extend a cordial greeting and my best wishes to you,  the representatives of Catholic-inspired NGOs participating

Card. Parolin to Forum

Mr. Johan Ketelers (Forum Master) and Dr. Jos´é María Simón Parolin: la pace si ricostruisce rispettando gli altri popoli e la loro dignità Intervento del Segretario di Stato al V Forum delle Ong di ispirazione cattolica: "La guerra in Ucraina non distolga la nostra attenzione

Statement of U.S. Bishops’ Pro Life Chairman

Statement of U.S. Bishops’ Pro Life Chairman on Church’s Teaching in Light of President's Commitment to Codify a National Right to Abortion WASHINGTON - Last week, President Biden stated that his top legislative priority after the midterm elections will be codifying a national right to

Opción por los jóvenes, los deficientes y la defensa de la vida

Sínodo 2021-2024: Texto orientador para segunda etapa apela a «opção pelos jovens, as pessoas com deficiência e a defesa da vida» Out 27, 2022 - 11:21 Novo documento destaca «percurso de reconhecimento» dos vários contributos na vida da Igreja Foto: Lusa/EPA Cidade do Vaticano, 27

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