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Declaration on recent appointment to the Pontifical Academy for Life

The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) expresses its concern about a recent appointment of the Italian-American economist at University College London, Mariana Mazzucato, to serve a five-year term with the Pontifical Academy for Life. Unfortunately, Professor Mazzucato has expressed her views favorable to

Papa Francesco ai dirigenti della Confederazione Federsanità

Foto: Vaticannews Preghiera ispirata dal Discorso del Santo Padre Francescoai dirigenti della Confederazione Federsanità, 4.6.2022 O Signore nostro Gesù Cristo, Dio della prossimità, volto della misericordia del Padre, Tu cammini con noi, sulle strade dissestate di questo mondo, come hai fatto con i discepoli di

Con motivo de la muerte del cardenal Javier Lozano

ACAECIDA EN ROMA EL 20 ABRIL 2022 Foto FIAMC del Cardenal Lozano A primera hora de esta mañana, 20 abril, me llegó la noticia de la muerte del Cardenal Javier Lozano Barragán. Después de varios días de llamadas, de preguntas por su salud..., ayer me acosté con

Falleció el cardenal Lozano / The death has occurred of Card Lozano

Photo: FIAMC Press Services En la mañana del día 20 de abril de 2022 ha fallecido en Roma el cardenal Javier Lozano Barragán, quien fuera Presidente del Consejo Pontificio para los Agentes de la Salud (para la Pastoral Sanitaria). El Santo Padre Francisco lo había

Pope Francis to Autism Foundation

ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISTO MEMBERS OF THE ITALIAN AUTISM FOUNDATIONON THE OCCASION OF WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY Clementine HallFriday, 1st April 2022 [Multimedia] _____________________________ Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and welcome! I thank the President of the Italian Autism Foundation for his

The Truth will set us free

BISHOP'S COLUMN  25 February 2022 by Bishop James Conley I am privileged to serve on the United States Bishops’ standing Committee on the Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is our chairman. Earlier this month we celebrated National Marriage Week and World

For the 15th World Rare Disease Day

Le malattie che rientrano nel novero di quelle considerate rare, pur colpendo un numero limitato di persone per tipo di patologia, sono nel complesso numerose; nel mondo circa 300 milioni di persone vivono con una malattia rara[1]. L'impatto negativo di vivere con una malattia rara

Photos: 30th World Day of the Sick

Past President Dr. José María Simón represented the FIAMC on behalf of President Dr. Bernard Ars. Solemn Holy Mass and anointing of the sick. Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome. February 11, 2022. Celebrant: Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson. Photos: FIAMC Press Services.

XXX World Day of the Sick in the Vatican

(Past President Jose Maria Simon attended the Holy Mass) Card. Turkson: Those who care for the sick lend their hands to God's mercy Cardinal Peter Turkson celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Friday on the occasion of the 30th World Day of the Sick.

World Day of the Sick: Historical Outline

With the Motu Proprio "Dolentium Hominum" of February 11, 1985, John Paul II instituted the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, which with "Pastor Bonus" in 1988 became the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers. Its tasks

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