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    France: toute vie est un don

    Toute vie est un don pour ce monde | Déclaration des évêques de France au sujet de l’inscription de la liberté d’avorter dans la constitution Publié le 08 novembre 2023 Le Président de la République a annoncé récemment sa décision d’entamer le processus devant aboutir

      È morta Wanda Półtawska

      È morta Wanda Półtawska, “sorella” di Karol Wojtyła tra orrori e speranze del '900 Sopravvissuta agli inumani esperimenti nazisti condotti nel lager di Ravensbrück. Medico e psicologo, membro del Pontificio consiglio per la famiglia, della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita e consultore del Pontificio Consiglio

        Laudate Deum

        Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum of the Holy Father Francis to all people of good will on the climate crisis, 04.10.2023 APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION LAUDATE DEUM OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS TO ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL ON THE CLIMATE CRISIS 1. “Praise God for all his

          Brasil: nota por la vida

          NOTA PELA VIDA E EM REPÚDIO À ADPF 442 A Comissão Especial de Bioética da CNBB condena e acompanha atentamente a proposta de abrigamento jurídico do aborto até à 12ª semana de gravidez, trazido pela ADPF 442, pelo fato de tratar sobre um aspecto ético

            Holy See on Universal Health Coverage

            Statement by H.E. Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations of the Holy See At the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (21 September 2023) Mr. President, “Health is not a luxury; it is for all.”[1] Yet, despite progress in expanding

              Avortement: Le Saint-Siège à Genève

              Le Saint-Siège à l'ONU relie droits de l'homme et dignité de la personne Intervenant mercredi 13 septembre dans le cadre du "Point 2" du débat général de la 54ème session du Conseil des droits de l'homme, le nouvel observateur permanent du Saint-Siège auprès des Nations

                Dr José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros

                Pope at Audience: Blessed José Gregorio Hernández was 'doctor of the poor' During his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis continues his catechesis series dedicated to apostolic zeal, and praises the holiness of the 'doctor of the poor,' Blessed José Gregorio Hernández, who left an unforgettable

                  COMECE: concerns about draft on substances of human origin

                  COMECE and Katholisches Büro express concerns over EP SoHO Regulation Draft The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and the Katholisches Büro in Berlin are jointly releasing a statement on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, expressing their deep concerns about the draft

                    Poland: abortion cannot be legally permited

                    Abortion cannot be legally permitted due to the presence of mental disorders in the mother. In such cases, recognized and effective treatment methods should be used,” reads the Position of the Expert Team of the Polish Bishops Conference on Bioethics on the admissibility of abortion

                      Rome: Catholic healthcare institutions sign agreement

                      Four Italian Catholic healthcare institutions pool their resources to research advanced therapies in response to Pope Francis' call for collaboration, signing an Agreement in the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. By Sr. Nina Benedikta Krapić (Vaticannews) Four Catholic healthcare institutions in Italy have agreed to pool their

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