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    XXXIII Giornata Mondiale del Malato

    Preghiera ispirata dal Messaggio di Papa Francesco per la XXXIII Giornata Mondiale del Malato «La speranza non delude» (Rm 5,5) e ci rende forti nella tribolazione O Dio Padre tenerissimo, nel tempo della malattia se da una parte sentiamo tutta la nostra fragilità di creature, dall’altra facciamo

      World Day of the Sick

      A feast instituted on 13 May 1992 by Pope John Paul II to be "a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one's suffering". The date of the feast, 11 February, was chosen to coincide with that of Our Lady of Lourdes as there

        Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick

        MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISXXXIII WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 11 February 2025 “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5),but strengthens us in times of trial Dear brothers and sisters, We are celebrating the 33rd World Day of the Sick in the Jubilee Year 2025, in

          11 de febrero, Jornada Mundial del Enfermo

          «Dar esperanza en la tristeza» es el lema que propone el departamento de Pastoral de la Salud para la Campaña del Enfermo 2024. Una Campaña que la Iglesia en España inicia el 11 de febrero, festividad de la Virgen de Lourdes, con la Jornada del Enfermo a nivel mundial y se cierra el 5

            Testigo de la Primera Jornada del Enfermo

            JORNADA MUNDIAL DEL ENFERMO        Yo soy testigo de esta iniciativa eclesial                                         + José L. Redrado, OH La Jornada Mundial del Enfermo nace en una comida con el Papa Juan Pablo II el 19 noviembre 1991; los  huéspedes éramos el Cardenal Fiorenzo Angelini, Presidente del Dicasterio

              2025: Jubilee of the Sick & Health Care Workers

               05 April 2025 - 06 April 2025 Jubilee of the Sick and Health Care Workers ATTEND THE EVENT ADD TO CALENDAR   Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano Jubilee of the sick and the World of health (

                Papal Message for XXXII World Day of the Sick

                “It is not good that man should be alone”. Healing the Sick by Healing Relationships “It is not good that man should be alone” (cf. Gen 2:18). From the beginning, God, who is love, created us for communion and endowed us with an innate capacity to enter

                  World Day of the Sick – 2023

                  Message of Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the World Federation of Catholic Physicians. (In English, French, Spanish) Dear Collegues, Sisters and Brothers, February 11 is recognized as the World Day of the Sick.Let us pray on this day for our patients, disabled and traumatized,

                    Pope to Doctors: Don’t be discouraged!

                    Pope Francis encourages those providing healthcare ministry for the Diocese of Rome to never be discouraged, to continue serving Jesus present in the faces of all they assist, and tells the sick, that the Lord is always close to the fragile. By Deborah Castellano Lubov (Vaticannews)

                      Photos: 30th World Day of the Sick

                      Past President Dr. José María Simón represented the FIAMC on behalf of President Dr. Bernard Ars. Solemn Holy Mass and anointing of the sick. Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome. February 11, 2022. Celebrant: Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson. Photos: FIAMC Press Services.

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