Today we start our annual novena to St. Giuseppe Moscati for the new residency year. St. Joseph Moscati is the patron saint of the Resident Section. He was a lay physician known as the “Holy Physician of Naples,” who was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1987. He viewed his medical practice as a lay apostolate, stating that “not science, but charity has transformed the world.” The first modern physician to be canonized, St. Joseph Moscati dedicated his life to serving the poor and teaching interns.

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Novena to obtain Graces through St. Guiseppe Moscati, doctor and miracle worker

On DAY ONE of this Novena to St. Guiseppe, let us pray for all interns beginning residency this year. May we have courage and humility as we learn to become compassionate physicians.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Prayer to Saint Guiseppe Moscati
O Saint Joseph Moscati,
doctor with a huge heart,
in the exercise of your profession
you cured the body and spirit of your patients,
turn towards us too who now run to you
with faith in your intercession.
Give us physical and spiritual health,
so that we can serve our brothers
with generosity.
Alleviate the pain of those that suffer,
give comfort to the sick,
consolation to the afflicted,
and hope to the hopeless.
Make that the sick might encounter
doctors like you: human and Christian.
The youth find in you a model of life,
the workers, an example, the old, comfort,
and the dying, hope in eternal salvation.
Be for all of us a sure guide:
teach us to work with serenity,
honesty and charity,
to be able to complete in a Christian way
our everyday tasks.

Our Father….
Hail Mary….
Glory Be…

Lord thou great physician, we kneel before thee. Since every good and perfect gift must come from thee, we pray: Give skill to our hands, clear vision to our minds, kindness and sympathy to our hearts. Give us singleness of purpose, strength to lift at least part of the burden of our suffering fellowmen, and a true realization of the rare privilege that is ours. Take from our hearts all guile and worldliness, that with the simple faith of a child, we may rely on thee.
St. Giuseppe Moscati, Pray for Us!