Church Teaching Documents
- Pope Paul VI, Humanae vitae (On Human Life)
- Pope John Paul II, Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life)
- CDF, Dignitas personae (Dignity of the Person)
Episcopal Resources
- Bishop James Conley, The Language of Love
- Archbishop Charles Chaput Articles
- Francis Cardinal George Writings
Allied Organizations
- National Catholic Bioethics Center
- Physicians for Compassionate Care
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
- USCCB Pro-life Activities Committee
- World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC)
- Link Kit
Other Resources
- President’s Council on Bioethics
- Horatio Robinson Storer and the Physicians’ Crusade Against Abortion
- Assisted Suicide Videos
- Catholic Medical Association
Educational Resources
- Healthcare in America : A Catholic Proposal for Renewal Linacre Quarterly May 2005
- Catholic Social Teaching and Healthcare Reform, Linacre Quarterly November 2016
- A Prescription for Health Care Reform, Dr. Donald Condit , Acton Institute 2009
- ObamaCareWatch Monthly updates from the Galen Institute
- American Enterprise Institute – Improving Health and Health Care : An Agenda for Reform
- Catechism of the Catholic Church – Social Doctrine # 1877 – 1948
- Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church