Holy Week and the Fight to Safeguard Women’s Health Against Abortion Drugs
March 28, 2024
By Dr. Tim Millea

CMA members Drs. Tim Millea, Karen Poehailos, Marguerite Duane and ultrasound technician Kathleen Paravano on the steps of the Supreme Court during a rally in support of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine’s case.
Tuesday, March 26th, dawned with clouds and chilly temperatures. However, a warm atmosphere prevailed in the basement of St. Peter’s Church on Capitol Hill as pro-life health care professionals from several organizations gathered in preparation for the oral arguments at the United States Supreme Court in the case FDA v Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.
Representatives from the Catholic Medical Association (CMA-USA), American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA), Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), and other groups came together in support of the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. However, rather than attending the arguments before the Justices, the group prepared for a much different environment that morning.
Our group of approximately 50 people walked a few blocks to the steps of the Court. A detour was needed due to a large crowd of pro-abortion protestors blocking the street and sidewalk near the Court. After an uneventful arrival at the steps, we found the designated area for pro-life supporters, with a podium and large sound system ready. As our speakers began their remarks, the larger crowd to our left became increasingly loud and confrontational. Police barriers separated the two groups by only about ten feet, which did not lessen the volume of their voices and megaphones. Even the pro-abortion protestors’ attempts to infiltrate and disrupt within our crowd were not able to dampen the enthusiasm.

Each speaker described the absent, and often untruthful, guidance given by chemical abortion providers. None were more moving than the women who underwent the protocol and suffered the horrible complications all alone, without the presence or even availability of health care workers. The only recommendation was to “go to the ER,” with a caveat: “Don’t tell them you had an abortion. Tell them you’re having a miscarriage.” The hypocrisy and arrogance of the abortion industry was on full display in these real-world stories.
The rally lasted until arguments ended inside the Court shortly before noon. A loud cheer rose from the pro-life supporters as the ADF attorneys and the white-coated physicians they represent walked out of the building towards the rally. Of course, that aroused anger and outrage from the opposing crowd, but it only helped to reinforce the energy of AHM supporters.
Our group then made its way back to St. Peter’s for lunch and debriefing. It was a welcome place of quiet and thoughtful conversation between friends both old and new. For those new to the morning’s experience, it was eye-opening. Was it peaceful at the rally? I for one did not witness any physical violence, and we were grateful for the calm presence of the police and security forces throughout the crowds. However, there were in-your-face confrontations by pro-abortionists directed at individuals in our rally, and especially at the brave and courageous young people from Students for Life. They stood their ground for nearly four hours, in spite of nearly relentless harassment and vitriol.

Dr. Emily Makhlouf speaking on the steps of the Supreme Court in support of the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine’s efforts to hold the FDA accountable.
Prior to the event, I took comfort in the scheduling of this hearing during Holy Week. It seemed providential. As Christians, we recognize that we often have to endure deep darkness before the bright light of truth arises. We all pray that abortions of all kinds will cease and this “Good Friday era” of our society recognizes the truth of the Resurrection. Yet, there is more to this experience that relates to the Triduum.
The parallels between the rally and Jesus’ Passion are evident. He was ridiculed, mocked, and endured the anger of a crowd that would not understand nor accept the truth of His presence. Those in our group were certainly outnumbered, and the vociferous attacks by our opponents were loud and emotional. However, like the Pharisees, their interests are self-serving and have no interest in the common good of others. The commitment to the Gospel message of love of God and neighbor, and for the good of our neighbor, was abundantly evident in the pro-life crowd. As Christ was nailed to the cross, He prayed for His accusers and torturers. And, as the clouds parted and a clear blue sky covered Washington, we found ourselves praying for those who hurl insults and abuse at us.
The case now rests with the nine Justices. Whether their decision in this case is favorable or not, there is one verdict that we must celebrate. We in the CMA and our like-minded partner organizations are solidly grounded in God’s truth, which is unerring and unshakeable. We can all be grateful to those who endured a challenging morning in Washington, with the confidence that, as Jesus promises in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.” With His help and the ongoing efforts of CMA members, may that day be celebrated very soon.
Board Member Tim Millea, M.D. is the Chair of the Health Care Policy Committee.