Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques


FIAMC endorses American Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and CMA declaration: “Abortion is not healthcare”

On December 1, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case concerning 15-week abortion ban in the state of Mississippi, potentially paving the way for

XXVI FIAMC Congress Rome 2022 – Argumentation now available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian

Rome, Augustinianum, September 15-17, 2022. President: Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars. English - Français - Español - Portugues - Italiana In English MEDECINE: RESTORATIVE OR TRANSFORMATIVE? The mission of the

President Ars at the National Meeting of the Association for Portuguese Catholic Physicians (AMCP 2021)

It is with great joy that FIAMC-President Bernard Ars and Mr Vincent Kemme have attended the National Day of the Association for Portuguese Catholic Physicians (AMCP), on

Statement for UN ‘Interactive Dialogue on COVID-19 and Economic Social and Cultural Rights’ co-signed by FIAMC

FIAMC has co-signed an joint oral statement to be delivered by the Associazione Papa Giovanni XXIII (APG23) during the Social Forum 1 of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Pope Francis on the COVID-19 epidemic – Msgr. J. Suaudeau

During the recent General Assembly of the European Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FEAMC) in Rome, September 25th, Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, Ecclesiastical Assistant of both the World

Message for the Opening Ceremony of the IV National Congress 2021 and the constitution of the Catholic Medical Association of Brazil.

Dear colleagues and friends in Brazil, On behalf of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, on behalf of its presidency and on my personal behalf, I

Ars: Les sociétés à l’épreuve de la pandémie

Confinement, masques, pass sanitaire… Les sociétés à l’épreuve de la pandémie WeAre | Shutterstock La rédaction d'Aleteia - Publié le 25/06/21 « La pandémie de Covid-19 a sérieusement mis


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Jubilee of the Sick and Health Care Workers 2025

Dear All,in order to participate at the Jubilee of the Sick and Health Care Workers,  05 April 2025 ...

Compliments of the season to all ACM readers

Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB Compliments of the season to all A Catholic Moment readers. While I am absolutely ...

Australia: December Newsletter

Jesus is born for a humanity searching for freedom and peace;he is born for everyone burdened by sin,in need of ...

Pope Francis celebrates motherhood

Pope celebrates motherhood: Let us praise God for the miracle of life As Christmas approaches, Pope Francis focuses on ...

25 dicembre Natale del Signore

Nella festa del Natale i Vangeli variano ad ogni messa. Qui di seguito trovate brevi considerazioni sui possibili testi ...

¡Feliz y bendecida Navidad!

Cada Navidad es una invitación a celebrar la vida de Jesús que se hace niño y viene a nosotros, la cercanía de un ...

La stella brilla per guidarmi

Domenica 22 dicembre 24 La stella brilla per guidarmi Dove andate, dissero gli amici solo una stella avete visto, non ...


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