In response to the growing clouds of doubts among the Catholic faithfuls and the ever increasing rates of protestant sects questioning and denying the Catholic teachings of purgatory, the HLI Pilipinas, side-by-side with the National Council of the Laity of the Philippines and with the inspiration from the World Federation of Catholic Medical Association or FIAMC, is organizing another big event.

This is the conference on the topic, “Purgatory: What Every Catholic Must Know”.There will be two speakers for the event. They are Rev. Fr. Argil Quintana, OAD and Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer. Both will discuss the history and the theological aspects of purgatory. It is with the best hope that after the conference, the audience will be able to answer squarely on the very common questions like; Where in the Bible can you find the word purgatory, Is there really a place called purgatory? Is purgatory just a mere belief invented by Catholics?

And to add more emphasis will be the discussion on the teachings about purgatory from known Catholic saints will be included. This one-day event will begin with the procession of the Image of Our Lady of Fatima inside the hotel premises followed by the recitation of the Holy Rosary and a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.Expected to attend are hundreds of lay leaders from different lay organizations particularly from many church-mandated organizations and from the Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines group.

This conference will be held on July 20, 2024, Saturday at Palm Grass Hotel in Cebu City, Philippines.