To shade light at the same time to counter the prevailing “overpopulation explosion myth” and “overpopulation scare” on the planet earth which were preached from the time of Thomas Malthus to Paul Erlich including the present anti-population propagandists around the world, Dr. Rene Josef C. Bullecer of the Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines, together with the Episcopal Commission on Family & Life and the inspiration from the FIAMC is giving a straight talk on the topic, “Global Population Implosion: A Global Emergency”. The talk will be delivered on August 9, 2024 in Digos City, Mindanao, Philippines.

Expected to be the recipient as primary audience of this very important talk are the hundreds of couple coordinators coming from the twenty-one (21) archdioceses, dioceses and prelatures in Mindanao who will be present during the Mindanao Regional Commission on Family & Life Congress.
The major points which will be tackled during the presentation includes the factual global fertility decline of more than half of the number of countries worldwide including a number of countries in Europe and Asia which are experiencing the so-called Ultra-Low-Fertility Rates which are below the replacement rates. The speaker is also expected to discuss further the very reasons why these scary scenarios are happening including that of the Philippines which is currently having a total fertility rate of 1.9% which is way below that the desirable or passing fertility rate of 2.1%.

It is hoped that after this talk, the audience will be ignited and challenged to make and formulate the most needed urgent doable actions and measures to avert the nearly irreversible implications of population decline. We cannot afford nor allow the present predicaments experienced in our neighboring countries like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore especially in South Korea whose government declared the very alarming population decline as a national emergency.