Hundreds of participants from various organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church are expected to come and attend the Health is Wealth Forum 2024. This one day event will take place at Holiday Plaza Hotel Conference Hall, Cebu City, Philippines on September 7, 2024.

Expected to be discussed are topics involving health issues both for men and women above 50 years of age. These include hypertension, high cholesterol levels, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, heart failure, and depression. The number killer in the Philippines both for sexes is heart disease, followed by stroke and cancer. For cancers, the five common cancers among the Filipina women are breast cancer followed by lung cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer and thyroid cancer. While for Filipino men, the top five common cancers include lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer and rectal cancer. 

This event is a joint effort from the Commission on Family & Life, Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines, Human Life International Pilipinas and the special inspiration from the FIAMC. The main objective is primarily for the audience to be more aware of the diseases and illnesses which are common as they grow older towards seniorhood and beyond.

And also to instill to the participants to be health conscious and learn the best applicable and doable means and practices of preventing these diseases.
The speakers include, Dr. Shiril Jalad-Armero, a young OB/GYN practitioner and a certified pro-life physician who currently runs a natural family planning clinic and who also removes IUD and implanon from dozens of patients every month. She will talk about the common illnesses affecting women while the other other speaker who will discuss the common illnesses affecting the men is Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer, a staunch pro-life physician in the country and who is also an active member of International Psychogeriatric Association.