“I dread governmentin the name of science.That is how tyrannies come in.”- C.S. Lewis

Newsletter theme:Courageous Resistance.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, despite recent colourful attempts to alter this reality. This month we highlight the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo and some art depicting the Sacred Heart as well as a Novena to the Sacred Heart.

The Australian CMA, in collaboration with the Catholic Women’s League Australia Inc, have published a statement on Voluntary Informed Consent and Covid Vaccine Mandates. It is a challenging document in these turbulent times which seeks to reestablish sound ethical thinking about the facts and evidence related to mandatory covid vaccination. The document has been sent to the Australian Catholic Bishops and Catholic Health Australia to assist with their future policy considerations. Read the statement here

The international Catholic press wrote about our published paper challenging the Pontifical Academy for Life’s book on the issue of contraception and Artificial Reproductive Technologies. Read here.

The American College of Paediatrics, with the US CMA and others, have written the ‘Doctors Protecting Children’ Declaration calling for all medical organisations to “immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.” Read and consider signing here.

Prof Joanna Howe epitomises courageous resistance in Australian. Her recent speech at Brisbane’s March for Life can viewed here.

Archbishop Anthony Fisher defends Religious Freedom with clarity in a recent forthright speech to . Read the article here. Full speech here

The CMAV annual dinner and lecture was a sold-out success with excellent speeches by Dr Jillian Spencer and Mr John Steenhoff. They discussed regulatory overreach and the persecution of doctors who do not abide by the prevailing ideologies of our times. The talks can be viewed here.

A recent talk by Anthony English on Natural Law to CMA NSW offered practical ways to understand and discuss challenging healthcare situations. Watch here. Tickets still available for an upcoming webinar with Hillary Cass.

“The Cass Report: Findings and Recommendations. Is it Relevant to Australia?” Organised by the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists. Other guests, Patrick Parkinson, Dianna Kenny and Andrew Amos. July 2nd 7pm AEST. Tickets here.