On Saturday, September 7, 2024, the HKLD Branch “Branimir Richter” in Zagreb and the HKLD Branch in Karlovac organized the sixth family pilgrimage of members and sympathizers of the Society to the national shrine of St. Nicholas. Joseph in Karlovac

The program of this already traditional pilgrimage began at 10 a.m. with expressions of welcome and friendship from the doctors of the Karlovac Branch of the Croatian Catholic Medical Association, led by their president Dr. Ankica Pleša, as well as the nurses of the Karlovac branch of HDMTIS. The director of the Shrine, Mons. Antun Sente presented the shrine, blessed the pilgrims and invited them to pray to St. Joseph, the perfect model of devotion to Jesus and Mary, the patron saint of Croatia and the family.

At 11 a.m., the Holy Mass began, where we were joined by pilgrims from the Zadar settlement of Arbanasi from the parish of Our Lady of Loreto, and their priest Don Mirko Barbarić led the celebration of the Mass, and was concelebrated by Mons. Sente. From the homily, I would like to point out an interesting reflection in which Mons. Sente said: “Human life is a mystery, but also a gift from God. On the one hand, every life carries indescribable strength, and on the other hand, it is very fragile. You, dear doctors and medical staff, are so often witnesses of the miraculous power of life, but also of the fragility of the human body. This mystery can be understood with the power of faith, because our God became incarnate and thus sanctified everything material, but also clearly showed us the way to save the soul, by mortifying the body.”

Thanks to Mons. Senta and his pastoral staff, we continued socializing with a joint meal in the premises of the Shrine when, as a sign of support and further cooperation, we were joined by the president of the Croatian Catholic Church, prof. Rok Čivljak .

Organized by our host Dr. Ankica Pleša and co-organized on behalf of the Zagreb branch of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Antonija Vukšić, those interested visited the Nikola Tesla Experience Center Karlovac.

Spiritually renewed and physically refreshed, we returned to our homes with thanks to God and St. Joseph for all the good they do to all of us.

Prime. dr. med. Ivan Barišić
, Acting President of the HDLD “Braninir Richter” Branch in Zagreb

Mons. Anton Sente and Don Mirko Barbarić – Karlovac: 6. Family pilgrimage to the national shrine of St. Joseph

Karlovac: 6th Family Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Josipa – President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Prof. Rok Čivljak, President of the Karlovac Branch of the Croatian Catholic Society Dr. Ankica Pleša, Director of the Shrine of St. Joseph. Joseph in Karlovac, Mons. Antuna Senta, acting president of the Branch of the Croatian Catholic Church “Branimir Richter” in Zagreb, prim.dr. Ivan Barišić

Karlovac: 6th Family Pilgrimage to the