For more than 2 years, the Ukrainian people have courageously resisted the russian aggressor, defending their own freedom and dignity, cultural and historical identity, language and faith. The whole world has united around Ukraine, supporting our people in an extremely difficult struggle. It is extremely important today to build bridges of cooperation and communication, to integrate at various levels into the world community, to learn from the best health care models, to spread true information about the war unjustly unleashed by russia against Ukraine.

On April 10-12, 2024, a delegation of Ukrainian doctors (Prof. Andriy Bazylevych, President of World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations (WFUMA), Dr. Oksana Hdyrya, Head of the Clinic for Rehabilitation of Acute Conditions and Restorative Treatment of Children of «Clinical Center of Children’s Medicine» of the «Okhmatdyt» (Lviv Regional Children’s Hospital), Dr. Rustam Zhurayev, rheumatologist, director of the “Salutas” medical center (Lviv), Dr. Iryna Vynnyk-Zhurayeva, therapist of the “Salutas” medical center, Dr. Olesya Vynnyk, coordinator of medical initiatives of the Ukrainian World Congress, Dr. Yaroslav Diakunchak , a family doctor from Brovary, Kyiv region) visited the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare in London (Great Britain). The forum was organized by the British Medical Journal (The BMJ) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Institute for Healthcare Improvement). This year, the theme and slogan of the Forum was the thesis: “Together to Regenerate Health and Care”. The purpose of the Forum is to exchange experience and find new ideas and solutions in the field of improving quality and safety in health care, especially in conditions of change and uncertainty.

It is interesting that the Forum took place in the London district of Newham, the most multi-ethnic and multicultural region of the country. It has been noted that 7 out of 10 residents of Newham belong to AfricanAmerican and other ethnic groups, and about 220 different languages   and dialects can be heard here. Also, this district is one of the youngest — 36% of the community has not yet reached the age of 25. Newham is also considered one of the most depressed areas in London. The main leitmotif of the Forum was the idea of   involving the united efforts of the community (political, social, medical and even sports) in order to preserve and strengthen the health of residents.

The key speech on the occasion of the opening of the Forum was “Community and Equity”, which was delivered by representatives of the local public health sector, an integrated system of medical care, as well as representatives of the social sphere (in particular, officials of the local football club “West Game United”, which involve local residents in a healthy lifestyle).

Together with WHO experts (Dr. Mondher Laetif and Dr. Ahmed Alboksmaty), Ukrainian doctors presented a report on the topic: “Thinking differently about quality in health care: lessons from conflict areas.” In particular, the topic of Yaroslav Diakunchak’s report is “Challenges for health care in Ukraine: how to maintain stability in the conditions of war.” He spoke about the Brovarsky Central Medical Center, the peculiarities of working with internally displaced persons, the elderly, patients with mental disorders, chronic non-infectious diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, COPD, etc.). He particularly singled out the institution’s participation in the USAID grant program to expand services and improve quality and patient-orientation in PMD institutions (creating a 5-year quality improvement plan, quality groups, indicators, training for doctors and nurses, feedback from patients, dissemination of information about the institution’s activities in social networks, etc.). He also emphasized the need for continuous professional improvement of medical workers, especially in the conditions of martial law.

Professor Andriy Bazylevych widely covered the activities of WFUMA in coordinating and providing humanitarian aid to medical institutions, conducting trainings in tactical medicine, and also introduced the audience to the history of formation of WFUMA in different countries. Rustam Zhurayev shared his experience of management and diagnostic and treatment work as the director of a private medical clinic under martial law. In particular, he spoke about providing assistance to internally displaced persons,ensuring continuous assistance, especially in conditions of power outages, as well as preserving and maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the team (teamwork). Olesya Vynnyk shared the activities of the Ukrainian World Congress regarding assistance to military medics (modern kits of tactical medicine, equipment, etc.) and training in tactical medicine, spoke about the work and resilience of Ukrainian medics, and also particularly emphasized the need to join forces in the confrontation the russian aggressor.

The trip to one of London’s communities – Golborne Community was very interesting: a community that impresses with its multicultural and diverse atmosphere (historically rich in migrants and people of different nationalities and cultures). They visited a family medicine clinic (GP Surgery), a department for pregnancy management and newborn care (Midwifery Centre), a network of public institutions for rehabilitation and useful leisure for community members (centers for sports, crafts, gardening, free canteen, etc.). The experience of combining the efforts of medical workers, local authorities and the social sector is extremely relevant for us. In particular, they visited the premises where it is planned to open a new outpatient clinic for family medicine, which should become a center not only for primary medical care, but also a multidisciplinary space where the medical and social contexts are combined to ensure a holistic approach to preserving and strengthening the health of the community.

Also extremely interesting was the presentation of the online resource for clinical decision support (Clinical Decision Support) – BMJ Best Practice. An online educational platform that helps the doctor make clinical decisions directly at the workplace. By the way, free access is provided for Ukrainian doctors to use the resource. Ukrainian doctors will also soon have access to Comorbidities Manager, an application that will allow finding clinical solutions for patients with combined pathologies.

It is worth noting an interesting presentation on the topic: “Change happens one person at a time” (“A person changes gradually…”), in which the speakers talked about the philosophy in health care “What matters to you?” (“What is important for you?”). It was emphasized the importance of feeling the needs and aspirations of a person who is in a state of illness, providing maximum attention and support to the patient, taking into account the entire biopsychosocial context. It is interesting that every year, on June 6, the world medical community celebrates the Day “What is important for you?”.

The presentation about the importance of psychological safety and kindness in the medical field (sensitive attitude towards patients, distinguishing true kindness from “just being nice”, issues of “doctor-patient” relationship, etc.) was also worth paying attention to. One of the speakers was Prof. Amy Edmondson (Prof. Amy Edmondson), a lecturer at the Harvard Business School, who also presented her new book at the Forum this year: “Right Kind of Wrong – Why Learning to Fail Can Teach Us to Thrive”).

The meeting with Bishop Kenneth Novakivskyi, Bishop of the London Diocese of the Holy Family of the 

UGCC, organized at the initiative of Dr. Oksana Souter, head of the Ukrainian Medical Society in Switzerland, member and co-founder of the Ukrainian-British Medical Society UMAUK, was touching and inspiring, and took place in a direct and relaxed atmosphere . Also, Dr. Oksana conducted a surprisingly interesting and informative tour of the famous places of London.

This year’s Forum in London was absolutely special. One more step towards recognition and integration into the global family of quality and safety in health care, one more brick to build a high-quality and safe medical system at home in Ukraine, one more time the Ukrainian voice sounded confidently among the many voices of world leaders in improving the provision of medical care.

We sincerely thank the organizers, administration, and colleagues for their comprehensive assistance. We thank our brave Defenders for the opportunity to live and work.