Members of the Branch of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society “Branimir Richer” in Zagreb, as well as representatives of HDMST, participated, on June 7, 2024, in the fifth renewal of the dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the church of the same name in the KBC “Sisters of Mercy” (Vinogradska 26)

The parish priest, Rev. Ivica Zlodi introduced the leader, editor-in-chief of Radio Marija, Father Stjepan Fridl, into the mass celebration.

In his inspired homily, Father Fridl explained from various points of view the importance and influence of numerous graces with which the Sacred Heart of Jesus showers all those who are influenced by Him. At the end of the Mass, he led the Consecration Prayer of the Catholic doctors, together with the gathered believers who read the prayer from the commemorative pictures that we gave them.


We doctors of the whole world dedicate ourselves to you, Sacred Heart of Jesus, and we undertake to take you as our model, to learn from you, our master and friend, Lord and God. We humbly ask for the grace to love as you have loved and to serve as you have been served.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, the same heart that beats in our breasts and in every human being, grant us to preserve the dignity of human life from conception to death, to defend and heal it. Let us be worthy of the call to serve and help the sick with our words and actions.

Divine Heart of Jesus, who loved you with a human heart, let us recognize you in those who suffer, so that we do not turn away from their misfortunes, but serve them in joy as we would like to be served. Give us a heart full of wisdom and strength so that we can put all our skills at the service of the common good and eternal life and spread the good news of salvation for all people.

Meek Heart of Jesus, pierced on the cross, grant us that in our mission we accept our human limitations, that from our own weaknesses we can understand the fragility of the people to whom we are sent and whose pain we need to heal and relieve.
We need the help of family and spouse, children and friends, work colleagues, so we show you all of them, and we pray for them.

Jesus of gentle and humble hearts… Make our hearts according to yours!

After the mass celebration, the members of our society spent time in an informal gathering with Fr. Fridl and the host, Rev. Ivic Zlodi, who expressed readiness for further cooperation.

In Zagreb, June 7, 2024, prim. Dr. med. I. Barišić