Empowering Physicians to Heal Body, Mind and SoulFriday & SaturdayJuly 24-25, 2020Virtual EventRegistration Fee $100.00Streamed live from St. Edmunds Retreat on Enders Island, Mystic, CTFeatured Speakers:Cynthia Hunt, MD, Michelle Cretella, MD,Leonard Mattano,Jr., MD
The conference will increase awareness, knowledge base and understanding of current crises in health care, including that of COVID-19. The biological, psychological, social and spiritual elements and treatment modes will be addressed.
The conference will also highlight the ongoing priority of physician self care in the midst of multiple stressors.Click here for a tentative schedule
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the CMA National Office by phone(484) 270-8002 or by email info@cathmed.org.

Sponsored by:
St. John Paul II Healing Institute
Catholic Medical Association (USA)
St. Edmunds Retreat on Enders Island