Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    25 de marzo: Día Internacional de la Vida

    Apuntes Históricos sobre el 25 de Marzo, Día Internacional de la Vida En el primer Congreso Internacional Provida, celebrado en Madrid en el 2003, tras una encuesta mundial contestada por más de 20.000 grupos y asociaciones de más de 20 países de Europa y América,

      Disposizioni in materia di contrasto all’omofobia e alla transfobia

      Contributo presentato dall’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani, all’audizione presso la Commissione Giustizia della Camera dei Deputati, riunita per esaminare la proposta di legge presentata per iniziativa dei Deputati Zan, Annibali, Bersani e altri, recante disposizioni in materia di contrasto all’omofobia e alla transfobia. Prof. Filippo M.

        The Post-COVID-19 Pandemic – New Socio-Medical Future

        Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Scroll down for the French, Spanish, Italian and Portugees version of this text. The confinement period of the beginning of 2020 has shown that globalization, an economic and financial phenomenon, has limits,

          IA per abbattere i tempi delle diagnosi

          Foto FIAMC Coronavirus, a Roma si usa l'intelligenza artificiale per abbattere i tempi delle diagnosi: da 24h a 30 minuti Distinguere le polmoniti tradizionali da quelle causate dal Sars-cov-2 per effettuare una diagnosi di Covid-19 in appena trenta minuti partendo dalle immagini di una tac

            Artificial Intelligence in the Vatican

            Human Intelligence and AI for Oncology advancement As the Vatican workshop on ethics in Artificial Intelligence ends, Dr. Alexandru Floares speaks on the possibilities of medical innovation through collaboration between AI and human intellect. By Benedict Mayaki (Vatican News) The increase in the number of cancer cases

              Robotique médicale: quelques repères éthiques

              Bernard Ars et Dominique Lambert, Université de Namur Département Sciences-Philosophies-Sociétés 61 rue de Bruxelles B-5000 Namur (Belgique) Dans une série de textes, le président de la FIAMC, le Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D. partage son point de vue sur l'anthropologie chrétienne, dont l'approfondissement et

                People First

                Caring for the Person Produces Better Outcomes Lecture given by Bernard Ars, MD, PhD., president of the World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), on September 21st in Rome, during the conference on Transformative Primary Care, orgnanized by Somos Community Care of New York

                  Reflections on the human being in the face of techno-science domination

                  In a series of texts, FIAMC president Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D. shares his views on christian anthropology, the second of the three objectives of his presidency as announced in his first address, in Juni 2018, during the International Congress of Zagreb. In this first text 1. Societal

                    Para saber más y vivir mejor…

                    Mons. José Luis Redrado Hace tiempo  sugerí la lectura  sobre temas de Vida Consagrada: futuro, esperanza, mediaciones, liderazgo… Ahora os sugiero la lectura de los siguientes libros  de gran actualidad: ¿Quieres saber algo sobre Redes sociales y adiciones?      “DESCONECTA”, de Marc Masip, Editorial planeta 2018

                      Pope Francis: “Child dignity in the digital world”

                      ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE CONGRESS ON"CHILD DIGNITY IN THE DIGITAL WORLD" Clementine HallThursday, 14 November 2019 [Multimedia] Your Majesty,Your Highness,Distinguished Authorities and Religious Leaders,Your Eminences, Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan

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