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    76th CHAI National Health Conference 2019

    76th CHAI National Health Conference 2019Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi | October 17-18, 2019The 76th CHAI National Health Conference was held on 17th & 18th October 2019 at Holy Family Hospital, Okhla Road, Delhi. The Theme for the NHC was "Healthcare at the margins - Innovation

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      News from CHAI (India)

      CHAI, Catholic Health Association of India, a network of more than  3.500 members with more than 1000 sister doctors and more than 21 million people being cared by, hold a two-day National Health Conference. “Healthcare at the margins - Innovation for Quality Care” on 17th

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        Chai-India: Our-Regions

        OUR VISION  The Catholic Health Association of India upholds its commitment to bring ‘health for all’. It views health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of sickness. Accordingly, CHAI envisions an INDIA wherein people, Are

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          CHAI-India gives new life to children with HIV

          Indian Church giving new life to children with HIV The Catholic Health Association of India is the largest health NGO in the country. Established 76 years ago, it has over 76,000 members, including a thousand nuns who are doctors. About 60,000 children are born each

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            News about CHAI (India)

            Australian High Commission Hosts Round Table Conference to Mark the 75th Anniversary of CHAI CHAI in collaboration with the Australian High Commission and the University of Melbourne, hosted a round table conference on Disability and Healthcare at the margins on Feb 4th, 2019 to celebrate

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              Catholic National Health Conference (India)

              Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) Founded in 1943 by Sr. Dr Mary Glowrey, an Australian Nun, CHAI is one of the largest pan Indian healthcare networks in the country after the Government, consisting of 3521 Member Institutions (MIs): 1409 dispensaries, 913 health centers and

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                Overview The Sister Doctors Forum was founded on 5th June, 1993 during the National Convention of CHAI in Ernakulam. Sr. Dr. Lilian JMJ, was the first President of the forum. In a span of 25 years, the forum has grown under the able leadership of

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                  NEWS ABOUT CHAI (INDIA)

                  Rev. Dr. Mathew Abraham CSsR, MD (Director General, CHAI), was elected as the new Chairperson for LINC-Asia, during the 3-day Liliane International Network Community-Asia (LINC-Asia) Face to Face Meet. He will lead the LINC-Asia secretariat seated at CHAI, for the next 3 years, as part

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                    From its inception, every year CHAI organizes an annual meeting with its member institutions to provide information, knowledge and trends of current health scenario and to discuss way forward to serve the nation in a better way. The 74th National Health Convention and AGBM was

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                      PRESIDENT LEE TO CHAI (INDIA)

                      Message to CHAI on the occasion of their 74th anniversary Dear Fr. Dr. Mathew Abraham (Director General), Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On behalf of FIAMC (the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations), I would like to congratulate CHAI on the occasion of the 74th

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