Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Coronavirus: What should Catholics do?

WANG ZHAO | AFPShare 2kSilvia Costantini | Mar 05, 2020 Advice from infectious disease expert and deacon Tim Flanigan. As the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to infect more and more people around the world, and while science seeks to find a way to curb the spread of

Coronavirus Epidemiology: The Good and the Bad from the Latest Data Doctor, Doctor is an official program of the Catholic Medical Association (USA)

Todo pasará

Viviendo esta Semana Santa especial por la pandemia del coronavirus me atrevo a escribir esta reflexión. Tengo la esperanza de poder seguir con nuestras actividades cotidianas y nuestras relaciones sociales y de amistad cuando todo se acabe. Todos tenemos la ilusión de vivir la cercanía

President Ars: on the coronavirus pandemic

Message from president Bernard Ars about the Corona pandemic. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French version: see below. My Dear Colleagues,Dear Friends, In these very difficult moments of the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to say a few words to assure you of my solidarity and my prayer, as well

Croatian Catholic Medical Society on COVID-19

Statement by the President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society on the Threat Posed by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic Dear Members of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society, At the end of 2019, an epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) broke out in China and

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Nella solitudine il coronavirus uccide di più

07 aprile 2020 Care sorelle e cari fratelli, nel cuore di questa “tempesta inaspettata e furiosa ci siamo resi conto – come ci ha ricordato Papa Francesco - di trovarci sulla stessa barca”. Al suo interno ci sono anche gli anziani. Come tutti, sono fragili

Un medico cattolico di fronte al coronavirus

Halfpoint | Shutterstock Aleteia Team | Apr 06, 2020 “La fede e l’amore ci salveranno!”, spiega il dottor Franco Balzaretti, vice presidente nazionale dell’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani. Pubblichiamo la riflessione del dottor Franco Balzaretti, vice presidente nazionale dell’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani (AMCI),  chirurgo presso ASL Vercelli,  e

COMECE in response to COVID-19

COMECE elaborates a list of main EU measures taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic On the occasion of the International Fact-checking Day (2 April) and in the context of COMECE’s commitment to counter fake news and disinformation, its Secretariat prepared a list of the main measures put

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Healthcare in the Coronavirus Hot Zone Pediatrician & entrepreneur who is re-imagining Catholic healthcare to make it accessible & affordable without changing timeless values. Dr. Berchelmann is a pediatrician, wife, mother of seven, and co-founder of MyCatholicDoctor. She sees patients from birth through young adulthood. Her practice includes all general

We Encourage Ethical COVID-19 Vaccine Research

April 3, 2020 CMA Encourages Ethical COVID-19 Vaccine Research Philadelphia, PA- April 3, 2020—The Catholic Medical Association announced today its opposition of the use of cells from aborted babies being used to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. “We need to ensure vaccinating as many people

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