Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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COVID-19: Assistance Request Database

April 3, 2020 Grand Rounds: COVID-19 Assistance Request Database Dear Members,I pray that you and your loved ones are well. Please know the Board is praying for you. As we enter Holy Week, let us pray for one another and our patients in this unique Lenten journey. We

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COVID-19: Shadow of Grief

Anne Lastman Picture: Dr. María Gloria Simón For the past 24 years, I have worked with thousands of grievers. I have sat with post abortive men and women, both young and old. I have listened to the most anguished sighs and flow of tears. I

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Balzaretti: affrontare il nuovo Coronavirus

Affrontare il nuovo Coronavirus: la fede e l’amore ci salveranno!   Dott. Boscia, Casini (+) e Balzaretti L’epidemia da coronavirus si sta progressivamente diffondendo in tutto il mondo, stravolgendo la nostra vita e soprattutto la nostra fragile psiche, anche perché viviamo con una crescente paura

Éthique et foi, au temps du Covid-19

Nous traversons pour combien de temps encore une période qui nous émonde à plus d'un titre. François Blin a eu la bonne idée de créer un groupe Wahtsap "CCMF". Vous pouvez nous nous envoyer un message si vous souhaitez en faire partie. Je vous signale

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CHAI’s Response to COVID-19

Governments and people are uniting worldwide for concerted action to combat the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. While lockdowns and social distancing measures can flatten the curve of the pandemic, providing social, economic and emotional support to people is essential. In addition, building resilience of the healthcare

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La libertad en tiempos del virus

Javier Junceda La libertad en tiempos del virus Desde que Juan sin Tierra otorgó en 1215 la Carta Magna inglesa hasta nuestros días, la libertad ha estado amparada por los ordenamientos del mundo civilizado como uno de los más relevantes derechos. Sin excepciones, las garantías

Covid-19: A Prayer of Solidarity

For all who have contracted coronavirus,     We pray for care and healing. For those who are particularly vulnerable,     We pray for safety and protection. For all who experience fear or anxiety,     We pray for peace of mind and spirit. For affected families who are facing

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Coronavirus update Dr. Bob Tiballi Dr. Bob Tiballi is an infectious disease specialist and member of the Catholic Medial Association (USA). He's also an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

Psychological Impact of Coronavirus

Catholic medical professionals are recommending a balance of prayer and healthy time management to maintain psychological well-being during the coronavirus pandemic, when many are alone and disconnected from loved ones. Correspondent Mark Irons tells us what doctors are advising. Barbara Golder, M.D., J.D. Dr.

Coronavirus: D. Francesco Dell´Orco (Gemelli)

Preghiera nel tempo del Coronavirus (COVID-19) O Dio Padre di tutti, che sei al di sopra di tutti, agisci per mezzo di tutti e sei presente in tutti, insidiati a livello mondiale dal Coronavirus, con confidenza filiale ricorriamo a Te: accresci la nostra fede! Ti

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