Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Points to Consider: Triage in the Perspective of Catholic Bioethics

Over the past several months, the virus causing COVID-19 disease has been spreading silently throughout the world, infecting hundreds of thousands of people. COVID-19 already has killed over eighteen thousand people worldwide, and it threatens to hospitalize and kill countless more as well as to

COVID-19: Guiding Principles for Catholic Healthcare

March 27, 2020 Guiding Principles For Catholic Healthcare Professionals During a Pandemic The Ethics Committee of the Catholic Medical Association Catholic physicians and health care workers for centuries have led the world in the care for the most vulnerable during times of crisis. Recalling our

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Coronavirus: Preghiera per i laici e le famiglie

Foto FIAMC: Basílica de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona O Dio Padre, Creatore e Signore della vita, Ti ringraziamo per averci donato la vita, fondamento di ogni altro bene. In questo tempo di pandemia, soccorrici nella Tua Onnipotenza misericordiosa. Con fiducia ci abbandoniamo fra le

Practicing Palliative Care in the Midst of the Coronavirus

March 25, 2020 “And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and the name of that river was suffering… and then I saw a boat which carried souls across the river, and the name of that

COVID-19: Experience from Hong Kong Dr. Peter Au-Yeung, a physician and anesthesiologist in Hong Kong, shares his experience as a health care provider during the SARS and new COVID-19 outbreak, how the viruses compare to each other, and best practices for preventing viruses from spreading. (Episode recorded 3/21/20)

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30,000 Physicians Respond To ACOG COVID19

March 24, 2020 As representatives of over 30,000 physicians who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians

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USA bishops Respond to Coronavirus

USCCB Responds to Coronavirus Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19): With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and

AEBI: Consideraciones bioéticas ante el Covid-19

Consideraciones bioéticas ante el Covid-19 de AEBI Ante la situación de pandemia por Covid-19 y la inestimable labor que están realizando los sanitarios españoles para tratar y cuidar los enfermos la junta directiva de AEBI quiere hacer llegar una reflexión de carácter ético sobre los

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Active Map of COVID-19 Infection

Active Map of COVID-19 Infection This continuously updated map of current COVID-19 infections covers the United States and the world. It is tabulated by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

NCBC Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic

March 19, 2020: Solemnity of Saint Joseph,Patron of the Universal Church We at The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) wish to convey to our many contacts, benefactors, and friends our continued resolve to serve as a trusted source of ethical counsel and information as the

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