Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    MaterCare Conference – Rome 2022 – “Mothers are Women too!”

    Postponed conference 2021 "Mothers are Women too" Prioritizing maternal health in the new millennium 13 – 14 September 2022 MaterCare International The 11th Biennal Rome ConferenceThe 13th International Conference Maria Santissima Bambina Institute Via Paolo VI, 21 Rome, Italy To register, please email: On

      President Ars Opening Address – MaterCare Conference 2022

      Dear President Chazan, Dear Bogdan, Dear colleagues, Dear friends, It is a great joy and an honour for me, as President of the World Federation of Catholic Physicians, as well as on my own behalf, to be able to deliver to you the opening address

        New information about MaterCare International Conference 2022

        New concise information about MaterCare International Conference in Rome, planned in September 2022, just before the FIAMC congress. “Mothers are Women too” Prioritizing maternal health in the new millennium 13 – 14 September 2022 MaterCare International The 11th Biennal Rome ConferenceThe 13th International Conference Maria Santissima Bambina

          PETITION: Abortion reversal – allow women real choice!

          Sign the petition now! A Catholic doctor, cardiologist Dermot Kearney, is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council for administering treatment to desperate pregnant women who changed their minds after taking a pill to abort their unborn babies. Scores of women in the UK have

            MaterCare appoints Professor Bogdan Chazan as Medical Director

            MaterCare International (Canada) is pleased to announce Bogdan Chazan, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, has been appointed as Medical Director as of January 1, 2020. Professor Bogdan is an obstetrician from Warsaw, former deputy head of the National Research Institute for Mother and Child, former

            On Crisis Pregnancy Centers

            November 25, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Responds to Article on Crisis Pregnancy Centers Philadelphia, PA—The Catholic Medical Association disagrees with information in a recent article published by The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and The Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, in which a

              Danger of marijuana

              Local News Danger of marijuana rising for mothers and babies, Catholic doctor says Dr. Lester Ruppersberger, an obstetrician and gynecologist, warned of the dangers of marijuana use by pregnant women at a March 28 gathering of service providers for Real Alternatives, the non-profit organization that

                5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MCI-FIAMC

                5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MaterCare & the FIAMC It has been 5 years since Pope Francis addressed the conference audience of MaterCare International and the FIAMC in Rome. Perhaps his words are even more impactful today. Please find below an English

                  DR ROBERT WALLEY HONORED

                  MCI Founder Dr. Robert Walley honoured with Exner Award for work June 28, 2017 The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) chose MaterCare founder, Dr. Robert Walley, as winner of 2017's Archbishop Adam Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life. Dr. Walley responded that he

                    SISTERS OF LIFE

                    Holy Respite Sacred Heart of Jesus Convent is our Holy Respite located in the heart of Manhattan. Since 1999, the Holy Respite has provided pregnant women an opportunity to be nurtured as they live side-by-side with Sisters, immersed in a deeply spiritual setting. This “spiritual

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