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    Il magistero del Papa sull´eutanasia

    Don Michele Aramini Articolo pubblicato su Avvenire di giovedì 4 luglio 2019Il periodo estivo non deve farci dimenticare che sono all’orizzonte importanti scadenze sui temi bioetici fondamentali, come quelli del fine vita. Ricordiamo che la Corte costituzionale ha invitato il Parlamento a prendere posizione entro

      Euthanasie, l’envers du décor. Réflexions et expériences de soignants

      Huit soignants belges – professeurs d’université, médecins, infirmiers et éthiciens reconnus et expérimentés en accompagnement palliatif – tentent ensemble de dire leurs questions autour de la fin de vie, des soins palliatifs et de la pratique de l'euthanasie. Deux femmes médecins, française et israélienne, se

      CMA-USA Applauds Opposition to Assisted Suicide

      Catholic Medical Association Applauds AMA for Upholding Opposition to Assisted Suicide PHILADELPHIA, PA– June 12, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association applauds the American Medical Association (AMA) for upholding the dignity of life and remaining opposed to Assisted Suicide. “The Catholic Medical Association commends the

        A Spectator debate: should euthanasia be legalised?

        A Spectator debate: should euthanasia be legalised? Douglas Murray vs Sam Leith Is a relaxation of the law really inevitable? Douglas Murray and Sam Leith Four years ago, the Assisted Dying Bill was overwhelmingly defeated in parliament. The euthanasia debate hasn’t disappeared, however. One recent

          The WMA should not play politics with euthanasia

          The World Medical Association should not play politics with euthanasia The prestigious group is reconsidering its oppositionJohn Y. Rhee | Apr 24 2019 | 1Share on FacebookShare on Twitter forward by email Print Subscribe Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia (PAS-E) has been a source of discussion for millennia, as evidenced

          NO to Physician-Assisted Suicide

          April 3, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Opposes Recommendations of American Nurses Association to Support Physician-Assisted Suicide PHILADELPHIA, PA– April 3, 2019 –The Catholic Medical Association is urging Catholics to voice their opposition to proposed recommendations made by the American Nurses Association which support Aid in Dying (AID)—or physician-assisted

            FIAMC Response to WMA policy change relating to euthanasia and physician-assisted dying.

            World Medical Association – Forthcoming WMA Council meeting April 2019 and proposal regarding policy change relating to euthanasia and physician-assisted dying; Response of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Association FIAMC. This statements was published earlier by the Catholic Medical Association of the United Kingdom

              Cath Doc testifies against physician-assisted suicide

              Catholic doctor testifies against physician-assisted suicide at Annapolis hearing CATHOLIC REVIEW STAFFFEBRUARY 21, 2019FEATURE, LOCAL NEWS, NEWS Testimony in opposition and support heated the debate on physician-assisted suicide at the Maryland General Assembly session in Annapolis Feb. 15. The End-of-Life Option Act, which has repeatedly been introduced

                Su suicidio e suicidio assistito

                Considerazioni su suicidio e suicidio assistito Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Membro della Presidenza FIAMC Gli aspetti sociali del suicidio sono stati oggetto di discussioni già nei secoli passati. Dopo la pubblicazione nel 1774 de “I dolori del giovane Werther”, nel quale Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) descrive

                  AMA Wrestles with Physician-Assisted Suicide Stance

                  We thank the physicians who attended the AMA's Nov. meeting defending the Association's long opposition to PAS. The AMA kept intact their policy that PAS is “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer."@PalmBeachCMA @AmeriMedicalAssn by Shannon Firth, Washington Correspondent, MedPage Today November 12,

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