Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Promemoria: Attualità dell´enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì

    Attualità dell’enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì Il titolo del congresso mondiale della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni dei Medici Cattolici, FIAMC, svolto in Croazia a Zagabria dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno di quest’anno 2018, Santità della vita e professione medica, dall’Humanae vitae

      Conference ‘Advancing Humanae vitae’ 2018

      What --- A national conference sponsored by major Catholic health care and educational institutions, including The National Catholic Bioethics Center, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Ascension, Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Franciscan Alliance, Geisinger Holy Spirit, Mercy, OSF HealthCare, Saint Louis University, and the

        Humanae vitae, 50 Jahre danach

        Humanae Vitae, 50 Jahre danach Vor 50 Jahren, am 25. Juli 1968, hat Papst Paul VI. die prophetische Enzyklika « Humanae Vitae » veröffentlicht. Wider alles Erwarten erlaubte er darin nicht die hormonelle Kontrazeption, sondern bekräftigte die immerwährende Lehre der Kirche über das menschliche Leben,

          Card Gracias on Humanae vitae

          Mumbai (July 26, 2018. AsiaNews) – We report the address the Archbishop of Mumbai, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, delivered today to 300 priests at the diocesan seminary on the occasion of Clergy Day. In it, the cardinal noted the importance of Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae,

            Marking the 50th Anniversary of Humanae vitae

            Marking the 50th Anniversary of Humanæ Vitæ On July 25, 1968, the Encyclical letter Humanæ vitæ of Blessed Paul VI was officially published. This text, addressing the transmission of human life through married couples, continues to be foundational and influential to the work of MaterCare

              L´Humanae vitae difesa da Max Horkheimer

              L’enciclica Humanae vitae difesa da Max Horkheimer Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) è stato un filosofo e sociologo tedesco, con Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse ed Erich Fromm uno dei maggiori esponenti della cosiddetta Scuola di Francoforte, una scuola filosofico - sociologica di indirizzo neo-marxista che ha integrato

                A short piece commemorating the anniversary of Humanae vitae

                July 25, 2018 represents the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the indissoluble connections between the unitive and procreative aspects of marital love. The essential principles outlined in Humanae vitae have been reaffirmed by subsequent popes despite its controversial reception

                  Humanae vitae Declaration: an invitation to physicians

                  Humanae Vitae Declaration: An invitation to physicians As the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae approaches we have the opportunity of receiving it anew and responding with renewed determination to bring its prophetic words to bear in the medical community. Physicians are in a unique position

                    50 años de Humanae vitae

                    50 AÑOS DE HUMANAE VITAE Dr. José María Simón Castellví Presidente de la FIAMC (2006-2014) En el quincuagésimo aniversario de la Carta encíclica de Pablo VI vienen a mi mente algunos pensamientos. El primero es de gratitud. A pesar de todas las presiones posibles, coherente

                      ADVANCING HUMANAE VITAE

                      What A national conference sponsored by major Catholic health care and educational institutions, including The National Catholic Bioethics Center, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Ascension, Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Franciscan Alliance, Geisinger Holy Spirit, Mercy, OSF HealthCare, Saint Louis University, and the St.

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