Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    EUTANASIA EN CIFRAS – Argumentos para el debate (Esp/Eng)

    En la celebración de la “Pascua del enfermo”, que este año coincide con el domingo 22 de mayo y que propone el lema “Acompañar en el sufrimiento”, el Obispado de Sant Feliu de Llobregat ha preparado una recopilación de cifras y datos sobre los principales

      WHO calls for better palliative care world-wide

      The topic of this year’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day on October 9 was “Leave no one behind: Equity in access to palliative care”. The provision of palliative care in most countries lags far behind the need. Each year, more than 56.8 million people, including 25.7

        NCBC – Palliative Sedation While Approaching Death

        Father Tad Pacholczyk is the author of a column called Making Sense of Bioethicsthat appears in diocesan newspapers across the country. September 2019: Palliative Sedation While Approaching Death

          To Hold the Hand…. Euthanasia…Assisted Suicide

          Anne Lastman. Because of the lack of respect for life in its genesis, there is now a global push for legalization for the premature disposal of life at the end. Euthanasia and or assisted suicide.   Euthanasia simply means an earlier death than would be

            Care of the dying patient

            THE FOURTH ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION YOUTH CONFERENCE: CARE OF THE DYING PATIENT (UK) For who? 18-40 year old Catholics in healthcareWhen? 1:30pm - 6pm Saturday 5th October 2019Where? St Aloysius' Catholic Church, EustonHow much? £5 students, £10 waged to be paid on the doorRegister at:  Speakers to explore

            Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

            September 23, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act  Philadelphia, PA—The Catholic Medical Association, along with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Health Association and many others, issued its support of S. 2080, the Palliative

              Le droit à une assistance médicale de base, alimentation, hydratation, hygiène…

              DISCOURS DU PAPE JEAN-PAUL II AUX PARTICIPANTSAU CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL PROMU PAR LA FÉDÉRATIONINTERNATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DES MÉDECINS CATHOLIQUES(17-20 MARS 2004, AUGUSTINIANUM)Samedi 20 mars 2004 Mesdames et Messieurs! 1. Je vous salue cordialement, vous tous qui participez au Congrès international «Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Scientific

                Paliativos Rio 2019

                Rio Janeiro will host a Latin American Congress on Palliative Care promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro.  The event will the take place between 28 and 30 may 2019 at the Saint John Paul the II building

                  Canada’s National Consultation on a Palliative Care

                  The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has participated in the public consultation on palliative care coordinated by Health Canada which is in response to the passing of Bill C-277- An Act providing for the Development of a Framework on Palliative Care in Canada. The


                    Il bambino Alfie Evans e le autentiche cure palliative. Pubblico e sottoscrivo il contributo del prof. don Roberto COLOMBO, docente di biochimica alla facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia A.Gemelli. + Elio Card. Sgreccia. La vicenda umana del bambino inglese di 22 mesi, Alfie Evans, affetto

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