Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    News from the Ukrainian Catholic physicians

    Glory to Jesus Christ! On March 24th 2024 took place a shared meeting of Community of the Catholic Doctors in the Parish of the Saint Great Martyr Yuriy (George) (Vasylkiv, Kyiv region). In this meeting participated doctors from Vasylkiv, Fastiv and Brovary, Kyiv region. Considered

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      Catholic physicians in Kyiv-Ukrain reflect on the Gospel of Life

      Glory to Jesus Christ! "Man's life comes from God, is His gift, His image and reflection, a part of His life-giving breath. Therefore, God is the only Master of this life: man cannot arrange it. God Himself reminds Noah of this after the flood: "From

        Ukrainian Catholic Doctors meet in Kyiv

        18th of June at our parish of Three Saints Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) in Brovary, Kyiv region, Ukraine, took place the next monthly meeting of Ukrainian Catholic Medical Association (Kyiv Department). With blessing of the Major Archbishop of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk had

          Leadership and resilience: a viewpoint of Ukrainian doctors

          Over the 1 year and 3 months, Ukrainian people, and especially Ukrainian medical community, keep resilience in this awful full-scale Russian invasion of our country. Due to our brave defenders, Ukrainian Armed Forces, we have the opportunity to live and work. Also during last months

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            Ukrainian Catholic Medical Association (Kyiv department) meets with head of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

            Dr. Diakunchak Yaroslav sends us a video and photo from the meeting of the Ukrainian Catholic Medical Association (Kyiv department) with the Major Archbishop of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) Sviatoslav Shevchuk. We discussed different issues such as physical and spiritual rehabilitation of Ukrainian

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