Spiritual Audit Quiz for Catholic Medical Professionals

Because sometimes, we need to pause and care for ourselves.


Take a few moments to prayerfully reflect on each question. Answer honestly to gauge your spiritual well-being and the integration of your faith with your professional life.

1. Prayer Life:

  • How often do you begin your day with prayer?
    • A) Daily
    • B) A few times a week
    • C) Occasionally
    • D) Rarely/Never
  • Do you pray for your patients, colleagues, and the decisions you make at work?
    • A) Regularly
    • B) Sometimes
    • C) Rarely
    • D) Never

2. Sacramental Life:

  • How frequently do you attend Mass?
    • A) Daily
    • B) Weekly
    • C) Monthly
    • D) Rarely/Never
  • Do you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly?
    • A) Monthly
    • B) A few times a year
    • C) Annually
    • D) Rarely/Never

3. Ethical Decision-Making:

  • Do you seek guidance from Church teachings when facing ethical dilemmas in your practice?
    • A) Always
    • B) Often
    • C) Sometimes
    • D) Never
  • How do you approach difficult decisions that challenge your moral and ethical values?
    • A) I consult Church teachings and pray for guidance.
    • B) I discuss with a priest or spiritual advisor.
    • C) I make the decision based on my own judgment.
    • D) I struggle and often feel uncertain.

4. Service and Compassion:

  • Do you see your work as a vocation and an opportunity to serve Christ in your patients?
    • A) Always
    • B) Often
    • C) Sometimes
    • D) Rarely
  • How often do you take extra time to provide compassionate care, even when it’s not required?
    • A) Always
    • B) Often
    • C) Sometimes
    • D) Rarely

5. Balancing Faith and Work:

  • How well do you manage the balance between your professional responsibilities and your spiritual life?
    • A) I have a healthy balance and make time for both.
    • B) I try, but it’s challenging.
    • C) I often prioritize work over my spiritual life.
    • D) I rarely think about the balance.
  • Do you participate in any faith-based groups or activities related to your profession?
    • A) Yes, regularly
    • B) Occasionally
    • C) Rarely
    • D) Never

6. Faith and Family:

  • How do you incorporate your faith into your family life?
    • A) We pray and attend Mass together regularly.
    • B) We sometimes pray and discuss faith matters.
    • C) We rarely talk about faith.
    • D) Faith is not a significant part of our family life.
  • How supportive is your family in your professional and spiritual journey?
    • A) Very supportive
    • B) Somewhat supportive
    • C) Neutral
    • D) Not supportive


  • Based on your answers, where do you feel most confident in your spiritual life?
  • Where do you feel there is room for growth?
  • What steps can you take to better integrate your faith with your professional life?

Closing Prayer:

  • End the audit with a prayer asking for God’s guidance and strength as you strive to live out your faith in your medical practice.

Heavenly Father, You sent your only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into this world as a child born of woman. 

Send your Holy Spirit upon all members and friends of MaterCare International.

May we see in every woman with child, an image of your Holy Mother, Mary Immaculate and, in every child, from the moment of their conception, the image of Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 

Give us the Holy Virtues, especially compassion, prudence, wisdom and mercy, so that we may serve you worthily in them. 

Bind us together in the bond of love in this mission, so that the Gospel of Life may be proclaimed and practiced throughout the world. 

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


We keep you all in our prayers! -The MaterCare Team