Detransitioners Invited to Address Medical Conference for the First Time

September 5, 2024

Seven young adults who were irreversibly harmed and regret their sex transition will speak at the Catholic Medical Association’s 93rd Annual Educational Conference (AEC).

The AEC is taking place in Orlando at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Conference Center today through September 7. It will be the first medical conference to host people who have been harmed by gender medicine.The panel will provide an opportunity for these young adults to share their experience and will be held on September 6 at 2:30 pm and 8 pm. Dr. Patrick Hunter, MSc, a general pediatrician and a member of the Catholic Medical Association, organized the panel.

He has proposed similar panels for conferences hosted by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). Both groups rejected proposals that would have addressed the problems of detransition, regret and harm.CMA’s decision to invite detransitioners to speak at this year’s conference signals a deepening in the divisions in the medical community about how to best address gender distress in young people. It also shows the commitment by CMA leaders to recognize and provide care to those harmed by these common practices.

Whereas, the former president of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) has stated that, “acknowledgement that de-transition exists even to a minor extent is considered off limits for many in our community.

”One of the panelist, Prisha Mosley, who received testosterone injections and a double mastectomy, believes her medical care was mishandled and that she was manipulated by activists and therapists.“I think it is important for doctors to learn how to stop the damage and to try and heal what’s been done. It is wrong for the very profession who hurt detransitioners to also routinely turn us away,” she said. “I’m grateful for any medical professional who is willing to listen.

”CMA President Dr. Michelle Stanford, emphasizes the urgent need for the medical community to acknowledge the reality of detransition and the associated harms, stating, “Health care professionals must listen to these experiences, confront the ethical crisis at hand, provide support to those who have suffered, and take action to safeguard others from future harm.”