Dear Colleagues and Friends, the World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) invites our associations, doctors and friends to the beatification of the Servant of God Pope Paul VI that will take place in Piazza di San Pietro next October 19. We Catholics are called to pay a tribute to the Lord and to that Pope for all the benefits we have received from his teaching. May he protect our families and our patients.
See you all in Rome this October!
Yours sincerely, Dr. José María Simón, President (2006-2014)
Ottobre 2014
19 Domenica
XXIX Domenica del Tempo Ordinario
Piazza San Pietro, ore 10.30
Santa Messa per la conclusione del Sinodo straordinario sulla famiglia e Beatificazione del Servo di Dio il Sommo Pontefice Paolo VI