The proceedings of the International Conference on medically fragile newborn life are now online.
Some members of FIAMC attended the Conference.

The ebook of the collected proceedings of the international conference “Yes to Life! Taking care of the precious gift of life in all its frailty” are available for free online, on our website and on the website of the Vatican publisher, Libreria editrice vaticana. This volume came to be one year after the event that brought together about four hundred people together at the Augustinian Patristic Institute (the Augustinianum), coming from seventy different countries and involving doctors and experts in perinatal care and family psychology.
The intent was , as the Secretary of the Dicastery Father Alexandre Awi Mello writes in the introduction to the ebook, to offer “an intense moment of formation, as well as scientific and pastoral information, for the accompaniment of those couples and families who live through the experience of the birth of a child with congenital diseases, while presenting clear concrete alternatives to abortion.”
The ebook opens with the address which Pope Francis gave to the participants in the conference whom he received in audience; followed by the introduction of the Prefect of the Dicastery, Card. Kevin Farrell; with the presentations and testimonies in the languages in which they were originally presented.
For the occasion the Dicastery has also created a showreel which makes it possible to revisit the highlights two days which, as the Undersecretary of the Dicastery Gabriella Gambino explains, “continue to resonate, in different parts of the world, through similar initiatives for formation, accompaniment, and assistance; but also concretely realized in the creation of new perinatal ‘comfort care’ centers.”